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Down and Out of Luck

chapter no.6

I sat at the table in the kitchen the next morning with my head held in my hands, I was scared that Jimmy was still mad at me from last night and would kick me out, I knew the drugs would come back to bite me, but at the time I didn’t really care as long as I got my fix.
A few minutes later, jimmy walked into kitchen, cleared his throat and frowned “listen, Zoey, I’m sorry for yelling at you yesterday, I had no right to” he said, looking down at his feet in shame. I frowned “that’s okay, I understand” I said, giving him a smile “I will try though, to stop with all the drugs, for you” I told him, making him smile. “thank you, I just don’t want you to get hurt” he said, walking over to me and giving me a hug. I returned it “that’s nice, no one’s ever said that to me” I told him. he frowned “well they should” he told me giving me a smile.

There was suddenly a knock at the door “Jimmy! Open up! We have awesome news!” our heads snapped up at the sound of a gruff voice “shit, that’s matt and the guys” jimmy whispered. I jumped up and smiled at him in reassurance “I’ll be upstairs” I told him, running frantically up the stairs to hide from the voices at the door, Jimmy had pretty much scared me when it came to his friends, when he described them, he made them sound huge, mean and scary.

I sat at the top of the stairs so that I could listen in to their conversation. Jimmy opened the door and I heard everyone greet Jimmy, their footsteps went into the kitchen and the one named Matt started to talk;

****Jimmy’s P.O.V**
The guys and I all walked into the kitchen, I sat down and faced them, “so what’s up?” I asked. Matt grinned “I just got a call from our tour manager, we leave for tour in a week!” he stated excitedly. Shit. “wait what?” I asked, this couldn’t be happening right now, not with Zoey having a crisis “how long?”

“only two months, it’s a U.K tour” Brian grinned. Zacky then cleared his throat “I thought you would be excited, you’ve always loved tour” he said, frowning at me in confusion. I nodded, “I am excited, im just….surprised” I said, smiling at them. Brian shook his head “whatever man, I gotta go to the bathroom” he said, walking towards the stairs. Shit, shit, shit. “Brian! You’re going to the bathroom upstairs!” I yelled, trying to warn Zoey.

Johnny groaned “dude, if you’re gonna be weird, at least be quiet” he said, putting his head in his hands. “I have a huge hangover” he told me, making me chuckle “then don’t drink as much” I laughed. suddenly there was a call from upstairs “Jimmy!” Syn. Fuck.

**Zoey’s P.O.V***

“Brian! You’re going to the bathroom upstairs!” I heard Jimmy yell. Shit. I jumped up and ran into the nearest room, I sat on the ground and hid my face in my knees, trying not to make any noise, I looked around and gasped to see that I had entered the bathroom. Well that was the smart thing to do, I groaned to my self. I could hear ‘Brian’s footsteps coming towards me. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.

A man entered the bathroom, causing me to freeze, my eyes wide. He was huge, compared to me at least, he had long straight hair, and was wearing a fedora. He looked down at me, confused “um hi?” he greeted me carefully. Taking in the sight of me curled up on the floor of the bathroom, “who are you?” he asked, kneeling down to my level. “I’m Zoey” I said, quietly, he didn’t seem to hear me “sorry?”

“my name is Zoey” I said, not much louder, he still looked confused, turning and looking at the doorway “Jimmy!?” he yelled loudly, noticing me flinch at his loud words. I heard running footsteps up the stairs and Jimmy appeared in the doorway “Zoey! Are you okay?!” he yelled, running towards me and pulling me into a hug. Brian stepped back, “you wanna explain this Jimmy?” he asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest “Zoey’s living with me for now” he said “come on, I’ll explain to everyone” he said, letting me go “stay here kiddo, I’ll introduce you to them later” he said, giving me a reassuring smile. I nodded and stood up, avoiding brain’s curious look and walking into my bedroom.

***Brian’s P.O.V***

Well that wasn’t weird at all, just some girl, that Jimmy was hiding from all of us, just chilling in the bathroom, scared of everything, not suspicious. That was sarcasm, it IS suspicious. Why does Jimmy have a secret girl here! I followed him down the stairs, glaring at the back of his head.

“guys, I gotta talk to you” Jimmy said in the kitchen, walking them into the living room and sitting them down on the couches “this is gonna be weird, but don’t overreact, okay?” he said, Zacky looked between Jimmy and I “are you guys gay?” he asked, making me freeze “no! what is wrong with you!?” the guys all roared with laughter.

“so what is it you need to tell us Jim?” Matt asked, they all turned their attention to Jimmy again and he cleared his throat;

“so about a week ago I couldn’t sleep, so I decided to take a drive, I got out of the car and started walking around the city, I heard someone yelling from an alleyway, so I went to investigate. There was a young girl, crying and holding onto her fist, I found out later she had punched the wall. Anyway, she was kicked out of home for being a drug addict and I got her to come back home with me. I took care of her and I’m trying to help her get clean. I didn’t want to tell you guys in case it overwhelmed her, but Brian just ran into her upstairs so I have to tell you guys now, and she’s really scared so you cant go up and scare her don’t be mad at me for not telling you!” he finished and looked at us, we all looked back at him with confusion all over our faces.

Matt was the first to speak “what’s her name?” he asked, “Zoey” Jimmy told him, “how old is she?” I asked, not knowing, she looked young, maybe 15 or 16 “she’s 17” he replied. Making me widen my eyes “she looked younger” I chuckled, making him nod. “can we meet her?” Johnny asked. Jimmy paused.

“I’m gonna go talk to her about it” he told them, running up the stairs. “well that was normal” Zacky said, a dumbfounded expression on his face.
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