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Down and Out of Luck

chapter no.8

The next morning I woke up to find that Jimmy was in my bed, in fact he was taking up most of it. We had fallen asleep together watching movies and talking. I got up and walked downstairs into the kitchen, I was hungry so I began to make eggs for myself. There was a noise behind me and I turned and froze to see matt smiling at me from the doorway “hey” he said tiredly, walking over and sitting on the barstool. “morning” I said quietly, continuing to make myself eggs. I finished and moved into the living room without another word. I turned on the Xbox, sat on the floor and began to eat and play at the same time. I chose Halo, making Matt scoff from the doorway “we have COD you know” he told me, crossing his arms over his chest “COD sucks dick” I told him. making his eyes widen “what?! You’re crazy!” he told me, taking a seat next to me.

“we’re gonna play both and I can show you how wrong you are” he promised me, pulling out a second controller. I laughed “challenge accepted”

***jimmy’s P.O.V***

I sat up and felt around for Zoey, remembering falling asleep with her last night. I felt around and shot up in a panic when I couldn’t find her, I jumped out of bed, fully awake now. I didn’t know if the guys were still here of not, I ran down the stairs and stopped when I saw her and matt playing COD in the living room. They were all cuddled up on the floor and she was getting frustrated “COD still sucks dick” she told him, making him chuckle “well you’re stupid” he chuckled, she laughed as well. I was slightly surprised that Zoey had taken to Matt so quickly, he was huge, and she was tiny, he might have been twice her size. Well whatever they had going on, I hoped that it was nothing romantic.

I stepped through the door “I see you two are getting to know each other” I said, making Zoey jump in surprise. Matt laughed and put his arm around her shoulders “yeah, you pick em bad jim, she likes halo better than COD” he said, making it sound like the very notion was disgusting. I laughed “you mean I pick em’ good!” I exclaimed, walking over and hi-fiving Zoey, who was smiling wide.

“where are the rest of the guys?” I asked, “aren’t we supposed to have a meeting in about two hours with our tour manager?” I asked matt, he nodded, “they’re all sleeping upstairs, I can go wake them up” he said. I shook my head “im gonna make bacon, they’ll be down as soon as I start” I laughed. Zoey looked confused so I made my way into the kitchen and started to cook some bacon. They were all up and downstairs within minutes. Works every time.

**zoey’s P.O.V**

I sat next to matt during breakfast, he was a pretty fun guy. We had spent at least 2 and a half hours playing Xbox and we had bonded. After breakfast, the guys all had to go for a meeting for the tour that they were going on. I was worried about being left alone while they went on tour, I thought I may get worse, my drug habits, everything. I put that thought aside and went to go have a shower.


Several hours later, I heard the front door open and I looked up from the book that I was reading ”Zoey!” I heard Jimmy yell from downstairs, he sounded excited. “I’m up here!” I yelled back, I couldn’t be bothered going downstairs, that would take way too much effort. He ran up and acted incredibly non-chalant “what’s going on?” I asked suspiciously, he sat next to me.

“so tell me what you really think of the guys” he said, nudging me and winking. I chuckled “apart from matt, they still scare the crap out of me” I told him truthfully, “well too bad, you have to learn to like them, you are gonna be on tour with them for two months” he grinned. “what!? Are you serious!?” I screamed, hugging the shit out of him. this is gonna be the most amazing two months ever! And I wouldn’t be alone!

I ran downstairs and ran straight to matt throwing my arms around his neck and hugging him, he laughed and hugged me around the waist “I’m glad you’re excited” he chuckled. I nodded and let go of him, everyone was looking at us weird so I cleared my throat and walked out into the backyard.

Brian followed me out and took a seat next to me when I sat by the pool “what do the rest of us need to do to get a hug like that from you?” he joked, grinning at me. I rolled my eyes “be either matt or Jimmy?”

“ooh! That’s a little harsh don’t you think?” he asked me, I smiled and leant into him. making him put his arm around my shoulders. “how do you feel about water?” he asked, casually “huh?” I asked, but I didn’t have time to react because Brian had pushed me into the deep end of the pool. Shit! Shit! I hadn’t told anyone that I couldn’t swim. After a few seconds of struggling, I let the water pull me down.

I heard yelling from outside “where’s Zoey!”

“I pushed her in the pool but she’s not coming up!”

“what the fuck!” was all I heard as I slowly lost conciousness


When I came to all I could hear was the voices of the guys all yelling “what were you thinking?!” Jimmy yelled “I didn’t know she couldn’t swim!” Brian yelled back “I’m sorry!”

“you don’t push people into the pool if you don’t know that sort of stuff!” Matt growled, I could hear his voice much closer “she’s breathing!” he yelled. Grabbing one of my hands “zo! Breathe! Come on! Please be okay!” he begged.

It took a lot, but I forced my eyes open to reveal matt looking down at me with concern in his eyes “are you okay!?” he yelled, his voice sounded far away. I nodded and sat up, mat was weary, ready to catch me if I fell or lost balance.

“Zoey, im so sorry! I didn’t know” Brian panicked, touching my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me “I’m fine Brian, don’t worry” I promised. Grabbing his hand and attempting to stand up, I fell almost immediately Matt caught me, and picked me up bridal style.

“godammit brian! You broke her!” growled an angry Jimmy, making me chuckle lightly. “she just doesn’t have enough oxygen in her brain, she’ll be fine Jim” Matt promised him. he brought me up the stairs and laid me on my bed. I immediately closed my eyes, but I felt a light slap on my face “woah, woah, no sleeping honey! You might be concussed!” I heard Matt panic.

“but im too tired” I groaned, attempting to close my eyes again. “oh for fuck’s sake” he scoffed, frustrated, he made me open my eyes again, we’re going to get pizza, you stay here. Brian! Make sure she doesn’t go to sleep in the time we come back, just to be safe” I felt Matt get up and walk out, finally. I closed my eyes. “hey! Stop that!” brian groaned, poking the side of my face.

I pushed his finger away and felt him sit on me, “no sleep” he said, I sat up and rubbed my eyes “well then entertain me!” I exclaimed. Standing up and finding my balance, I walked down the stairs with a fretting brian behind me “be careful! Don’t fall!” I got into the kitchen and opened the fridge, catching sight of an energy drink I skulled it and grabbed another. I saw him staring at me like I was crazy.

“if I’m gonna be staying awake then I need energy” I told him. he nodded thoughtfully and grabbed a beer. I pulled him to the couch “tell me about yourself” he said, I nodded and thought to myself “I’m 17, almost 18, and my name is Zoey” I started, making him chuckle, “when’s your birthday?” he asked. I grinned “three days”

His face paled and his eyes widened “why didn’t you tell anyone!!?” how are we gonna throw you a party in three days?!” he asked. I rolled my eyes “I don’t need a party” I told him firmly “you’re eighteen! You need a party! My god!” he jumped up. “we can take you out for your first drink!” he yelled.

I scoffed and he looked at me sideways “you first LEGAL drink” he laughed, making me grin.
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sorry i havent updated in forever :( love me!