Status: if you're reading this then you currently have eyes.

Down and Out of Luck

chapter no.9

I opened my eyes and shifted in my bed, sitting up, I smiled and remembered that it was my birthday. I groaned and flopped back on the bed, the guys had been incredibly secretive for the past three days, since they had found out about my birthday, organising and planning a party for me. I told them that I didn’t want a party, and that I had never had one before. When jimmy heard this he began to flip out “everyone should have a birthday party every year!” he yelled “not to mention that you have to have one for your 18th!”

I was still lying down when suddenly, my door was flung open and in about two seconds flat I was being squashed by an excited Jimmy “happy motherfucking 18th birthday! I know we haven’t known each other long but you’re my best friend and I want you to have the best. Birthday. ever! I mean we’re having your first ever party and everyone you love is gonna be there!. Like Chris, your drug dealer, and your parents and everyone! But here’s a present!” he held out a brightly wrapped box and held it to me.

I stared at him for a few seconds with a dumbfounded look on my face before busting out laughing “Jimmy! Why are you yelling?!” I heard matt running up the stairs and then he appeared in the doorway “jimmy- why are sitting on zo?” he asked. Coming over and laughing at the way that Jimmy had perched himself on me “shut up matt and help me out” I groaned. He chuckled and pushed Jimmy off me, pulling me up off the bed as well.

I grabbed Jimmy’s present and began to open it. it revealed a frying pan and a spatula, I looked at him, raising an eyebrow. He burst out laughing “I’m kidding! You’re real birthday present will be presented to you at your party” he said, sounding very proper “thank you jimbo. I look forward to it” I told him, sounding equally as proper. I was suddenly grabbed by Matt.

He hugged me close and whispered “happy 18th birthday, he smiled and let me go, dragging me down the stairs. There was a whole bunch of party equipment around and I heard someone yelling in the kitchen and rushed in. Zacky stood next to the blender with eggs, flour and milk all over him.

I burst out laughing and he turned around “oh you think this funny do you?” he asked smirking. I nodded “come on baker, you’re supposed to be good at this” I told him, trying to control my voice. Matt started laughing as well and Jimmy ran down the stairs to see what was going on, Laughing when he caught sight of the egg covered Jimmy.

“Well birthday girl, I think you deserve a birthday hug!” Zacky exclaimed, walking towards me. I screamed and ran around the house, Zacky chasing after me. “Zacky! Don’t you fucking dare!” I continued to yell, as he caught me, covering me in flour and egg. I was laughing as he tickled me, he then got up, helping me up in the process “happy birthday Zoey” he told me, acting sorry for assaulting me with his filth.

“I have to go shower” I told them, pushing Zacky away from me and poking my tongue out at him “we’re going out to get stuff for the party” Matt told me “we need to meet up with Brian and Johnny, they can’t find a cake not to mention Zacky was not successful at it either. I laughed and shook my head “my birthday present from you guys is to let me bake the cake while you’re gone” I told them. They laughed “whatever makes you happy birthday girl” Jimmy smiled, they walked out the door and I yelled at Zacky to go home and clean himself up before he went into public.

I showered and made my way downstairs, stopping when I saw the full extent of the mess that Zacky had left. I couldn’t bake like this, I spent a good half an hour cleaning the kitchen. Baking was the one thing that calmed me down. I had been baking since I was a little girl, back when my mother and I were on good terms.

I started to bake the cake and had it whipped up in no time, so I made a second layer, and a third, each getting smaller than the last, all chocolate flavoured. While they were baking in the oven I was bored. I knew it would be at least 2 hours till any of the guys got back so I started to make cookies, and brownies and cupcakes.

I was icing the cake with all the deserts that I had made sitting around me. I may have made too much, I had also cleaned the kitchen. The guys all walked in and stopped when they saw everything that I had made. “Oh my god, Zoey. What did you do?!” Jimmy asked, looking at all the food I had made. “what? Is it too much? Did I do bad?” I asked frowning. Matt turned to me “this is amazing! How did you make all this in three hours?” he asked looking dumbfounded. “I like to cook” I said simply. Zacky laughed and hugged me “good job kiddo, you did better than me”

Brian looked at me “we were expecting like a one layered cake, and you make a triple layer, cookies, cupcakes and brownies? You’re amazing” he laughed. I chuckled and thanked him “everyone will be here in about an hour, so go get ready. I nodded and ran up the stairs. I couldn’t wait for the party!
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sorry this chapter is so shit. love me!