Status: SLOWLY active.



How do you find one girl in a big city?

I know people find other people all the time. Adopted people find their birth mothers all the time, I've seen the shows.

The problem with Gabriella was she had no Twitter, no Facebook, or nothing like that. When I type her name in Google, nothing comes up.

I sound like a total stalker. I know this. But it is as if Gabriella Lawrence dosent exist.

I wonder if she thinks about me as much as I think about her? Does she even think of me at all?

She had told me she was a One Direction fan. That's where I met her, at one of our concerts. She was with a friend.

Her friend! That's it!

Her friend seemed like one of those typical directioners. The kind who had like a Instagram or Twitter dedicated to us. She had told us her name..... What was her name?

Cassie? Christi? Chase! Chase Powers. That was the name!

I quickly pulled out my phone and typed her name on Twitter.

There she was. Her picture was of her and Harry, a photo she took when she met us.

I followed her and quickly sent her a DM.

Hello, Chase. Yes, it really is Zayn Malik. If you could reply as soon as possible, I have a question...... [\b]
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Hai guys :-) loving the positive feedback!
