Status: SLOWLY active.



Chase replied 6 minutes later.

DM from @in4theChase
Omg. You can't see this via Twitter, but I'm majorly fan girling. Hiiiiii Zayn! :-) [\b]

I chuckled and quickly typed a reply.

Hello, Chase. I have a question. Are you still friends with Gabriella?

Well of course! Why? Did she emotionally scar you? She does that alot. I can't be held responsible! Lol. Jk. But yes, we are still best friends. Seriously, why though?

Well.....ever since I met her last year, I havet been able to get her off my mind.... I sound like such a girl.

AW :-) that's adorable. So let me guess... you're trying to contact her. And you obviously found out she has no social network accounts of anything like that.

Yeah... what's up with that?

Apparently social networking is mainstream.... i dont know. But I happen to know she wil be at a art festival Friday. I will find out where it is and ill let you know!

I'm gonna see Gabriella.
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy Monday :-)