Status: SLOWLY active.



Today is the day.

Currently, I am at this huge art festival. There are tents set up everyone, and I can hear a band playing in the distance. There are many different types of people. You know, artsy people.

The lads came with me for "moral support." But they all disappeared withen 30 seconds. Niall made a mad dash for the food tent, Newly single Liam spotted a pretty girl, and Harry and Louis wondered off, probably to cause trouble.

How was I gonna find her in this huge festival?

I wandred around, looking at the different tents and booths.

I spotted Liam chatting it up with a brunette girl, and Niall, Harry, and Louis listening to the band, laughing.

Glad they were have fun.

"God, where are you Gabriella?" I mumbled.

Then, I saw her.

She was looking at some paintings at a booth. She was wearing blue Jean shorts and a black cropped shirt. Her bellybutton was peirced, and she had a Hello Kitty belly ring. Her hair was still blonde, but instead of the random pink streaks, the whole underneath of her hair was pink.

She was as gorgeous as ever.

I wasn't sure what to so. But thankfully, she saw me.

Her eyes widened slightly, but they quickly went back to normal and she grinned/smirked. She slowly walked over to me. Suddenly, she was right in front of me.

"You like you have just seen a ghost." She said, giggling.

♠ ♠ ♠
He found her :-)