Status: Slowly Working

I'll Make This Place Your Home


Merlin had woken up with a jolt in her sleep, she was sitting up in cold sweat, and she couldn't remember what she saw. She couldn't remember what she had dreamed, but now wasn't time to worry over it, it was training with the Avatar. Merlin had dressed loosely for training. She wandered if the Avatar waited too long, so she hurried along grabbing her bag of items that she will need to improve her new friend’s techniques.
She powered walk while putting her long brown hair in a messy braid and stared to run once finished, catching the ferry to the only air temple. Her nerves were getting to her for some reason today, she wasn’t nervous just… excited. She never had any friends, not any females either, only her mother. She made a small smile to herself as the small ferry floated toward the island.
Korra, waiting patiently and waved to her as a greeting and she got off, ready and eager to train with her new teacher, who was willingly to train unlike her other one that was busy with council work. She was even dressed in her airbending clothes, “I thought you might've forgotten our training.” She laughed a bit nervously.
Three children soon came flying in with staffs of their own, obviously airbenders themselves. “Hi!” One properly greeted her as Merlin eyes all of them, admiring their power. The other two were quite the energetic ones. Jumping up and down, speaking completely fast that Merlin couldn’t really catch and quickly dashed away, the youngest was a boy who seemed a bit calm but still just as hyper, a bit balanced on the both sides. Merlin smiled and patted the boys head casually, and walking forward following her new friend to the training area. “Have you done your meditation?” Merlin asked.
“Err...” Korra scratched her head and smiled nervously, “Sort of, getting the hang of it.”
“Well, you've unleashed it already, so it shouldn't be too hard.” Merlin set her bag down as she looked around the temple. It was the perfect place to meditate and to train. Symbols of airbending were all about the place, it was peaceful, what Korra needed, not noise or loud talking of what she was used to. “Airbending is about peace,” she spoke softly, and started to lift her arms. The three small children watched the wizard in agape, knowing that she was completely different. Not a bender, nor human, but something else, they could all sense it.
“They’re quick, you must decide quickly, airbenders are peaceful people though some are loud,” she glanced at the hyperactive girl and grinned widely, “That doesn't mean they’re peaceful. They are okay with themselves, they accept what is coming to them and willing to make sacrifices weather they are told or not to. Airbenders want peace.” As she spoke she quickly made her hands in circular motions making the oxygen around her flow around her, forming a sphere around the wizard and raise her from her the concrete. As she floated she exhaled, stretched out her limbs that streamed out of her fingertips and toes even. Korra with head up, watching in admiration till Merlin finally settle down with an exhale and a grin appeared on Korra's face, “Teach me.” Were the only words that were heard.
“Be at peace with yourself, “Merlin mention, making her body relax and then lifted her arms up in annular gestures. “Airbenders are in constant movement, they are always moving in circles. Whether it be half, semi, or backwards, they are always in circles.” Merlin then moved to her side making the same movements that Korra showed her but faster pushing hair from her hands and feet. “Constant movement,” she repeated.
With a nod, Korra did the same, trying her best of going the circles that Merlin had showed her, slowly making a small air blast, surprised; she smiled widely turning to her new tutor to which Merlin clapped, making her continue again. Merlin watched the avatar train hard, making moves herself, the children running to her asking her to teach them as well. For the first time, she laughed and gladly helped the children, showing moves that were good to their size. She helped the small one who was having trouble and finally managed on their own. Even sparring was a bit involved with Merlin and Korra, though of course Merlin won, but Korra knew she was still a newbie at the airbending, but she was willing to continue. Korra was so excited she continued to train till sundown as Merlin mentioned a few tips to her if there was something she did wrong. Another match rose, lasting longer than the other one but Merlin won once again, both falling down out of exhaustion admiring the sunset and laughed aloud. “You've got a lot to learn, my friend.” Merlin let out another laugh and Korra responded with and sigh and grin on her face.
“That was fun!” She exclaimed, her muscles sore, finally able to relax. Footsteps were heard, both lifting up their faces seeing the red scarfed man. “Hey, Mako!” Korra smiled glowingly. She got up and helped out her friend up and saw that he was the one before, they were a couple. “Oh, sorry, Mako, this is Merlin, new bending teacher.” Korra introduced, Mako gave a small smile to her and Merlin nodded in return.
“Wait, new airbender? I thought there were only four?” Mako raised a brow in suspicion.
“She’s not a bender,” Korra mentioned, “She’s a wizard? Well, sort of.” She scratched the back of her head searching for words in her head.

“I know all the elements,” Merlin stepped in, “not just elements, hence the word, wizard.” Merlin defending herself to the strange firebender, having a small staring contest with his ember eyes with her blue ones. No hatred was being showed, no judging was there, just simply analyzing.
“I’ll tell you the story about her, it’s a long one, oh wait, hey Merlin, how ‘bout you stay the night, it’s pretty late already, we can get a room prepared for you. I’m sure Tenzin wants to meet you.” The avatar simply smiled and left to make the preparations with her partner. Merlin sighed, sitting back down, relaxing her muscles that had been used slowly feeling the soreness coming in checking her bag, and it was a good thing that she brought an extra pair of clothes. She took out all her things to reorganize. Jars of herbs were placed down gently, some drinking bottles with corks placed in tightly. She settled them back down gently in their pouches of where they belonged.

Her extra pair of clothes was something loose too; it was more on the earth bender culture. A pale green top and brown pants, she zipped up the bag and brought it over her shoulder. As she was doing so, she looked up seeing the earth bender, with his dark brown hair and the simple curl that hovered over his forehead, “uh..” he paused searching for words his cheeks becoming pink, “hi!” He finally spoke out, “no, no, sorry that’s not what I wanted to say!” Merlin quirked a brow, watching the teen earth bender fidgets and scratched his head trying to speak. To save him she spoke, “I’m Merlin.” She held out her hand for introduction as the boy watched and admiration and let out a nervous chuckle and smiled, “Bolin.” And they shook hands, then both taken a back immediately. Weird, Merlin thought to herself looking at her hand as the boy did the same, but none mentioned it to each other.
“So are you bender too?” He asked intrigued.

“No,” Merlin answered as she began to walk as he followed,
“But Korra just said – “

“I’m a wizard.” She sighed a bit with irritation, repeating herself and hopefully the last time.
“Ohhh,” Bolin took in the information and accepted although he wasn't even quite sure what a wizard exactly was, he had heard few stories of them though.

"So does that mean you earthbend too? Like me? And firebend like my brother?" The boy asked more intrigued with this stranger.
Merlin heaved another sigh, she was tired and exhausted. Her braid finally let out flowing down to her back and glanced over at him. "Yes. I know all the elements."
In Bolin eyes, he analyzed every detail about this woman as much as he could. She was definitely pretty for sure, but knowing that she wasn't a bender she had a different aura coming from her.

"So since you're a wizard do you have a broom, and all the spells and magic and things like that?!" Merlin blinked and for the first time after her mothers passing, she laughed. Bolin, was completely serious with question looked confused.
After laughing, Merlin and shook her head, "Almost but not quite. We're mainly healers, like waterbenders, but more earthly about it."

"So there are healers too that are earthbenders?" Bolin questioned honestly. Merlin looked back at the boy, sensing all his feelings. He really wanted to know her. She sat down, gladly to speak about her hobbies. Without word, Bolin sat next to her on the steps of the temple, listening.

"Yes," she finally answered his question, her legs curling up and her arms hugging her knees.

"Earthbenders are healers of spirit, waterbenders are healers of physical injury. Though earth can as well heal physical injuries." Merlin unzipped her bag once again and pulled out her jar of herbs as example to the earthy teen.

"These are herbs can you tell me what they are?" Bolin gently took the jar of herbs in his hands, genuinely smiling at it. If he remembered correctly from picking plants out of habit when he was younger it was thyme. He even took the herb to smell it's scent.

"I remember this," Bolin turned the leafy herb between his thumb and pointer finger, "It's thyme. I remember because when I pro-bending all my muscles or extremely sore, and almost had to stop until I met this one lady. She gave me a jar of it and told me to make a tea out of it and drink it. Soon enough I was better than ever." Bolin then put the thyme back in it's jar, hand it back to his new friend, making sure they didn't touch skin again, because, well that was weird. He wasn't sure if he wanted to feel that again.
Merlin continued to talk to him about her heritage that her mother taught her. She spoke to no one about this before, and it was the first time she talked to a stranger. It was the first time she felt so comfortable with that she could talk so freely with.


That old voice whispered inside her head again. Her eyes flickered on the earth boy to whom she was listening to, talking excitedly about one of his earthbending matches before he retired. She quickly stood up to her feet, looking down at him, feeling her cheeks becoming caught. "I must go."

"Oh," Bolin's eyes saddened a bit, wandering if she didn't like him anymore, but he quickly covered it up with a smile, "I mean it is pretty late, right? I'll see you tomorrow then!" He quickly waved to her and Merlin ran to the room that was prepared for her. She asked directions for it to a late walking monk and ran in there. It was not love, she told herself.
She couldn't afford to love because love was already taken away from her from disease. She couldn't let that happen again. Though, the earth boys flashed in her mind when they were talking. His smile showed brightly in her head, his laughter rang in her ears. His voice soothing her until she shook her head. There was no way it could be love.

But it is.

"No it's not."

You love him.

"I DON'T!" She nearly shouted at herself, putting her head in her hands and began to shed tears. She curled onto the cot and let out soft sobs. Where was her mother when she needed her most?

Bolin stood by the door hearing the cries of the wizard before he knocked. Had he made her cry? He took his hand back and scratched it behind his head and walked back to his own room, meeting his firebender brother, Mako.
"Hey Bo," he greeted him once he entered, his face falling a bit concerned for his brother, "you okay?"

"Yeah." Was all Bolin replied to and plopped on his bed, turning away from his brother and sighed. He never made a girl cry before, it was the worse feeling he's ever felt. He hated those bad feelings. He hated that someone had bad feelings and he wanted to see them smile. He thought about the wizard girl, he never even knew what a wizard was. Her face appeared in his mind, remembering the cute laughter she had when he asked her a question. Her blue eyes never left his green eyes, she was beautiful. He then corrected himself, she is beautiful. What had he been feeling, what is he even feeling? He let out an exhale and turned on his other side and Mako watched with confusion.
"Somethin' on your mind, bro?"

"Not really, I'm just confused." He pouted to himself. Mako ruffled his brothers hair and smiled, telling him it'll be okay. Bolin hoped it would be okay. He wasn't sure. Merlin's face appeared in his head once more and he couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, " he confirmed. It would definitely be okay, as long she was near him, he would be.
As he laid down he heard the same old raspy voice speak to him:

♠ ♠ ♠
Not only am I trash but this is also trash, but enjoy!
Happy reading