Baby Daddy

Jimmy's little sister, Johnny, waddles onto the scene, not alone. From her stomach protrudes her future. Her baby, who's father is unknown. Brian falls in love not only with Johnny, but developing baby.
  1. Hey You
    "Stop molesting my future niece or nephew!"
  2. Can't Sleep
    "I'm pregnant you pig!"
  3. Fights
    "Jeez, I think you guys need kids of your own"
  4. Making Up
    “Because your sperm didn’t go into fertilizing my beautiful egg”
  5. Shower
    "You Bri, stop jacking off and come get your woman!"
  6. Denied
    "Me and the guys are starting the nursery tomorrow"
  7. On The Run
    "I ran. . . A lot"
  8. Admit It
    ". . . so you know we can ya know without it in the room."
  9. Prying
    "You looked silly, almost like a dying turtle"
  10. Trusty Assistants
    "Why? How? I hate you"