I'm Tired Of Begging For The Things That I Want

Chapter 13

Everyone was quick to leave after the whole drama at the party and it was me and the guys left to clean up. Mike and Jaime were in the kitchen, and me and Tony in the lounge. "We're all pretty pissed at Vic you know." Tony spoke softly.
"What, why?"
"He should have never of let her talk to you like that, you're his best friend Tay. The way she spoke to you was disgusting."
"I know it was, but we can't all back up on Vic, its not his fault." I said, whilst picking up empty bottles.
"Hopefully now he has seen her true colours, he will think twice about their relationship."
"Maybe" i smiled.

Tony started to take all the bin bags downstairs to the bin, so i took this opportunity to sit on the sofa. I was so tired, what a birthday this had turned out to be. My eyelids became heavy and they closed, i tried to open them again, knowing i had to get up and tidy, but i couldn't.

*Mike's POV*

"Taylor" i said walking into the living room. I noticed her asleep on the couch, she looked so peaceful. I asked Jaime to find a blanket before they headed home, i am sure i had one somewhere in the house. But we couldn't find one. I said goodbye to Jaime and Tony and went back to Taylor. She hadn't even moved. I carefully lifted her into my arm, careful not to wake her.

I placed her down on my bed. What has my brother done to you i thought. She had massive bags under her eyes, which she has tried to cover with makeup. I have never noticed these before. As i sat on the side of my bed, i looked at her, she looked so peaceful, but she also looked fragile and very vunrable. I pulled the duvet up to cover her, and switched off the light. I was sleeping on the sofa tonight.