I'm Tired Of Begging For The Things That I Want

Chapter 19

I remembered the first time i met the Fuentes brothers. I had just moved to San Diego and was not happy about it. We were constantly moving around California because of my Dad's work. We moved to San Diego when i was 17 years old. I walked into the cafeteria, bought a sandwich and a bottle of water. I found a table in the corner, by the window. I sat and watched my other classmates go about their day. I seemed to be focussed on this one table full of cheerleaders, the annoying giggly type, and the guys who played basketball, the annoying cocky type. Once i was finished i started walking out. Until i was stopped by one the annoying cocky type basketball players, who thought they were too cool for school. "Hey, i haven't seen you here before."
"No probably not it's my first day."
"Well, I'm Matt and i must say you look good enough to be a cheerleader, doesn't she girls?" he sleazed. The other cheerleaders, shrugged their shoulders, really not interested.
"No thanks." i politley smiled and started to walk away.
"What you don't want to be a cheerleader, have elite staus in this school?"
"No, no i would rather not thanks." trying to still sound polite. I walked past this Matt character and i felt his hand grab my arm, "Aww come on." he whined.
"No, now please leave me alone." i said sternly and shrugged off his grip. I felt all eyes on me as i walked out the cafeteria.

After lunch i had English and wa seated at the back of the classroom. "Hey, Taylor right?" the boy beside me smiled pleasantly. I nervously smiled back whilst giving him a nod. "Hey, nice to meet you, i'm Vic." he held out his hand.
"Hi." i said returning his hand shake. He had such great manners, nice to see someone in this school after my encounter in the cafeteria.
"You shy?" he smiled.I nodded and laughed.
"It's alright, first days are the worst, i remember falling on my face infront of everyone before my classes had even started." he laughed.
"Sounds embarrassing." i laughed with him.
"But, hey not everyone stands up to head asshole Matt on their first day, most girls fall at his feet."
"Oh i prefer boys that don't love themselves." I smiled. I don't remember learning much in that lesson, me and Vic spent the lesson talking.

After class, me and Vic met up at the lockers so we could walk home. As i walked up to Vic, i noticed another guy with him, he was slightly taller than Vic. "Hey, Taylor, eh this is my brother Mike. Mike, Taylor. Taylor, Mike." he smiled as he introduced us.
"Hey, nice to meet you." Mike smiled at me.
We spent most of the way home laughing and joking and it was in this moment i knew these two brothers would be part of my new life here in San Diego.
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Please keep telling me who you think Taylor should be with, it's up to you guys :)