I'm Tired Of Begging For The Things That I Want

Chapter 23

Vic stood up from the side of my bed and smiled "I'll let you guys talk." Vic walked past his younger brother, and patted him on the shoulder before closing the door behind him. I signalled Mike to come and sit by me on my bed, he was hesitant at first but gave in.

"So i see you made your choice then." he mumbled.
"Yeah i did." i smiled, grabbing his hands in mine. "I love you Mike." Mike looked up in amazement.
"But i heard you and Vic."
"Yeah i love Vic, but i love him like a brother. I want to be with you Mike." i smiled at him. Mike moved a piece of hair out of my eye and kissed me. My heart fluttered and raced.

Mike and i talked for hours, making plans when i got out of here, and i started to yawn. Mike laughed, he stood up "Here, move over." i did as i was told and shuffled to the side of my bed. Mike climbed in beside me and wrapped his arm around me, i snuggled into his slim body. And in this moment i felt safe. I drifed to sleep not long after that.

*Mike's POV*

I watched her sleeping against my chest and couldn't help but smile, She looked so peaceful, i lightly brushed my fingers across her stiches on her forehead and thought about the moment i found out she was in hospital. I thought my world had come crashing down on me. The door to Taylor's room opened, and interrupted my train of thought. It was my brother, he smiled as soon as he saw us "I see you guys sorted things out."
"Yeah" i whispered careful not to wake her.
"Good, you look happy bro. right that's us off, see you tomorrow." he smiled and closed the door.
I thought about what my brother said, I was happy, ecstatically so.