
Chapter Two

Liam’s POV

Everyone cheered as we exited the stage.

“Lads, that was amazing,” I told them all. We were all really pumped. It was the first time we performed the up all night album, here, back home, and it felt good. Just then, Simon and Paul came in with baby lux in Pauls arms. Harry rushed over and grabbed baby lux, holding her in his arms. We all chuckled. It was typical of him. He absolutely adored that baby. We all did; but especially him.

“Guys, well done, you did me proud tonight,” Simon told us. We all smiled. Louis was jumping up and down.

“Simon’s proud!” he screamed. Simon rolled his eyes. Everyone laughed again except for Simon who was looking quite embarrassed.

“Yes, I am immensely proud of you guys. I knew you could do it,” he smiled. We all laughed. Just then, Lou walked in. We all stood up.

“Guys you were great!” she told us. We all hugged her; except Harry, I couldn’t actually see him anywhere.

“Where is Harry?” I asked.

“He’s either messed up his hair and is hiding so he won’t be in trouble by Lou, or he’s kidnapped Baby Lux,” Zayn joked.

“Yeah, probably both,” laughed Lou. Just then Harry came back around the corner. He has Lux in one hand and was trying to fix his hair with the other. We all burst out laughing.

“What?” he asked innocently.

“Nothing, hey Harry,” Lou smiled.

“Hey Lou,” he smiled back.

“Oh, what a surprise, YOU’VE got MY baby again,” she laughed.

“Baby Lux is mine!” he ran away from her.

“In your dreams,” she rolled her eyes. I laughed. Today was going good for me. I had been laughing so much and no one finished performing upset like last time. And luckily, thanks to baby Lux, Harry is back to himself.

Niall’s POV

“Niall, it’s time for Nandos!” Louis ran up to me excited.

“I’m not hungry,” I sighed. Louis looked shocked.

“What!” Louis gasped. I rolled my eyes. It just wasn’t my day. My phone beeped showing another text.


It wasn’t fair. I didn’t do anything to her. I don’t even know her properly.

“Oh, Hazza!” Louis called dramatically.

“What is it boo-bear?” Harry came acting worried.

“It’s Niall, he’s… not hungry,”

“Wow, it must be a first!” he laughed. He put Lux down and pretended to faint. Lux gave the cutest little giggle making me laugh for the first time in ages.

“Niall, we have to go, we’re meeting Katie, remember,” Liam came over to me. I’d forgotten all about her. I sighed again.

“Fine, let’s go,” I stood up. Harry, Liam, Zayn, Louis, Simon Paul, Lou, and baby lux all followed me. Minutes later, the limo was here. I went in first and sat right at the back. Liam came in next and sat next to me. Then, the others filed in. Baby Lux sat next to her mum at the front with paul and Uncle Simon causing Harry to pout. Zayn laughed.

“Lou, you can’t take a baby of her mother,” he laughed.

“Zayn I’m a boy!” he moaned.

“Are you sure?”


“Oh, it never occurred to me,” laughed Zayn.

“And why not?” challenged Harry.

“Because of your hair,” laughed Zayn. Harry put his hand on Zayns hair and ruffled it, turning it into a big mess.

“At least mine is neat,” Harry grinned. Zayn didn’t say anything after that. He was too busy fixing his hair again. Once it looked nice and neat and Zayn was satisfied, he put his mirror back in his special box that he kept in his car, crossing his arms and stuck his tongue out at Harry. I rolled my eyes grinning. Just then, my phone beeped. I checked it.

Why can’t you reply. Are you that much of a coward. And if you really cared about your friends, you would quit. You are holding them back.

I sighed heavily and rested my head on Liam’s shoulder.

“Are you okay?” he asked me. I nodded.

“Yeah, just tired,” I told him. He didn’t look very convinced. I closed my eyes.

“Boys, is Niall awake,” Simon asked. I closed my eyes shut acting as it I was asleep.

“Nope,” Liam said, popping the p.

“Okay, well I’m worried about him. He seems off it; not very concentrated. I think something is bothering him,” Simon told them.

“I agree,” Liam told them. What if they found out? I couldn’t let that happen. I slowly opened my eyes and everyone went silent. The car stopped just then. The doors open and Katie hopped in.

“Hi guys, thank you for letting me come,” she smiled. The rest of the way there, it was silent.

When we got there, I sat down with baby lux while everyone ordered their meals. I played a few games of peek a boo and patticake with her until I heard my name being called.

“Niall, what will you have?” Simon asked.

“A burger and chips,” he looked shocked. I know I usually ate a lot but it wasn’t that amazing.

“Any drinks?”

“A milkshake, Uncle Simon,” I told him. He nodded. A few minutes later, everyone sat down. I was playing with Baby Lux’s hands in her high chair when the food came. She just had a few chips. I started eating but I wasn’t in the mood. After a bite of my burger and a few chips, I was finished. Lux had already finished her chips.

“You want more?” I asked her in my baby tone. She laughed in excitement. I fed her my chips and a little bit of my burger. She ate happily; that was why I liked feeding her. Just then, Uncle Simon looked over to us.

“Niall, you can eat. If Lux is hungry I will order more for her,” Simon told me.

“It’s alright, Uncle Si, I’m not hungry,” I told him and turned back to lux. She was grinning hungrily at my food. I had a sip of my milkshake and carried on feeding her.

“But, what if you get hungry when we get home?” Harry asked. Why was everyone so concerned? When I eat a lot they are complaining about me eating so much, now it’s a problem if I don’t eat much.

“I’ll make myself something,”

“Okay,” Lou said. I carried on feeding baby lux, until she shook her head.

“No more?” I asked.

“No, no, no,” she giggled. I cleaned up her mouth and put her on my lap. I bounced her up and down making her giggle even more. I had a small sip of my milkshake and put it back on the table.

“Ahh, nice,” I said to myself.

“And me?” baby lux whined. I laughed. It was the first time in ages and it felt good.

Here you go,” I gave her the straw and she had a little bit.

“Lux, what do you say to Uncle Niall?” Lou told her. She clapped her hands.

“More!” we all erupted in laughter. I gave her more milkshake.

“No, say thank you Uncle Niall,” she looked at lux.

“Tankoo, Uncle Niall” she shouted several. I smiled knowing what she meant.

“Thanks,” Lou whispered.

“It’s fine,” I replied. By now, everyone else was finishing so I took baby lux into the baby changing room to get her cleaned up. I washed her face. She started whining and I knew why. I put money in the slot and out came a clean nappy. I took off her nappy and cleaned her, and then I changed her. I learned how to change her from Lou. I never had any little sisters so to me, she is my little sister.

When we were done we headed back to the limo. Just as we were about to get in, Katie spoke.

“I’m going to head off home, bye,” Katie called.

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“Yep. I live close, thanks for a great day!” she said as she disappeared home.

Katie’s POV

Today was the best day of my life. I met the nicest boys in my life, including my brother. He still doesn’t know it was me though. He thinks I’m dead. The only one who does know is mum. She helped me plan it. I ran away and they pretended I was dead. She couldn’t put me in danger. I just wish Harry could have been safe too.

I was walking through the streets of London looking for a place to sleep. I’ve been doing this since I was five so I knew some of the nicest places to sleep. Maybe I’ll sleep at the park tonight. I will probably have a good sleep; I had a real meal for the first time in years and I have had a good day. Just then, I got a text.

Hey, it’s Liam. Text me when you get home safely.

I smiled. It was sweet how he checked up on me. It’s quite amazing I have a phone really. I am sleeping on the streets, I have no food but I have a phone. It was only so I could keep in touch with mum, secretly of course, and tell her I was doing okay. When she died, everything was worse. I didn’t have anyone to talk to, so I couldn’t pretend I was okay, I had to just deal with the fact that I was on the streets. But I kept my phone, with some hope there would be someone to talk to.

I got to a park bench and sat down on it. It was hard and uncomfortable but what could I do? It was that or the floor. I pulled out my phone and started to type.

I’m home, safe and sound.

And I sent it. I looked around; it seemed quite quiet so layed down. I closed my eyes and for the first time I didn’t cry to sleep. Instead, I peacefully drifted into a deep sleep.
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If you're still reading this, thank you so much. I really appreciate all of the reads. If you like it, please comment and tell your friends to check it out, thanks xxx