When Writer's Block Turns Bad

Basically, Lizzie and I (Emma) have decided to write a story together (because we're random like that). It is a competition between us. In short, we choose two characters and get a challenge each. My challenge is to get my two characters to the moon, and Lizzie's is to get her characters to the top of the Eiffel tower. We are allowed to write in sabotages for each others' characters, but we aren't allowed to write about them directly. For example, I can poison Lizzie's protagonist's food, but I can't make them fall over onto a large conveniently placed spike.
Oh, and whatever we write has to be within the boundaries of reality. Well, actually, we can be flexible about this - anything is allowed if explained properly. However, nothing TOO random can happen!
So, let the games begin! The characters that I have chosen are Eponine from Les Miserables and the Doctor from Doctor Who. Lizzie has chosen Johnny Depp and Mr. Blobby.
Commentage is much appreciated. And yes, I know that I'm not so much subtly hinting about comments so much as discreetly begging. Live with it.
  1. In the Beginning, there was Insanity
    Eponine and the Doctor briefly wonder what's going on and who this Omnipotent Author is...
  2. And Next There Was Confusion.
    Johnny and Blobby start their challenge.
  3. Noo! Not the TARDIS!
    The Doctor realizes that there could be more complications ahead. Eponine already knew this. Oh, and there are French revolutionaries as well.
  4. So... What Now?
    In which Johnny Depp and Mr. Blobby journey to the Piece Hall and trigger some... er, carefully, concealed traps.
  5. Some Complications
    In which Emma is Omnipotent, Eponine rants, the Doctor has troubles with glue, and the abridged version of Les Mis makes a guest appearance.