Status: In Process

Protecting Her

Chapter Nine

Lyndsey's POV

It was morning, but it had to be early, because the sun hasn't even rose yet. Brian woke me up about 5 minutes ago to tell me that the coast was clear and we were back on the road again. He couldn't tell me where we were headed and I frankly didn't care at this point. It was like last night didn't even happen to him. We kissed and he just pretends like we didn't. Now, I'm starting to realize that I'm just not good with guys in general. I've never had an actual boyfriend, they all split, once they got to know me. Something is obviously wrong with me.

“Hungry?” Brian asked as he shoved some clothes into his bag.

I refused to even look at him, “Nope.” I said in a harsh tone, but I think he deserves it.

He didn't seem to notice, he just got to his feet and grabbed his bag. Once he was outside, I groaned, heavily. This is ridiculous. Does he even see that I'm mad at him? I just shook my head as he walked back inside. I watched him grab my bag, “Alright, let's hit the road.”


It felt like we were driving until one of us died. I fell asleep and woke back up probably 3 times, since we left the hotel. Brian hasn't even tried to make a conversation with me, unless it had to do with being hungry or having to use the bathroom. I was done with everything. These stupid feelings that I have for him, just need to disappear. He doesn't feel the same, so I just need to get over it.

I looked at our surroundings and we were in another snowy state. A quiet sigh escaped my lips. I was getting tired of being cold all the time and having to stare at this white fluff. Brian pulled down a side street, that looked like no one has been down in years. He pulled into a dirt driveway and continued driving. I was starting to think this driveway was a road, because of how long it was. Finally a log cabin came into view and it made think that it was just like the one we were at, but a tad smaller. Brian parked right in front of the cabin and shut the engine off, “We're home.”

Home, right.

Brian got out of the SUV and I followed suit. Once my feet hit the ground, I almost lost my balance due to my legs being numb from the long ride. Brian rushed to my side and helped me stand up correctly, “Are you okay?”
I yanked myself away from him, “I'm fine.” I walked up the pathway that was covered in snow and walked up the few steps that lead to the front door. I looked around curiously when I spotted a sign on the front door. It was a plaque that had Jacobson engraved in it. It made me stop dead in my tracks and just stare at it.

“This cabin was your Father's. No one ever knew about this. He would come here to escape the real world, it gave him peace, I guess.” Brian explained as he walked up to the front door. I couldn't even find a response for him.

We got in the cabin and this one was more homey-er? If that's even possible. It just felt like a house for a change. The first cabin we were at had too much dust and rodents for my liking. This cabin, this cabin was way better. It's not because it was my Father's either, I wouldn't like anything that belonged to him.

I walked into the living room area, to find out that this cabin didn't have a fireplace, which sucks majorly. We've only been inside for about 1 minute and I'm already cold. Brian brought our bags into the living room and rubbed his hands together, “Damn, it's really cold. Let me see if I can get the furnace running.” He rushed off to get heat in the house. I continued to walk around the cabin, examining everything. There were pictures of My Mom and I on the walls. There was even a family portrait when I was like 5 months old. My parents looked so happy. I just don't understand how everything could just go bad.

“I got it running. It'll be a little while till it kicks in, so you can take a shower first, if you want?” Brian offered and I didn't really want to be by him right now, so I could took him up on that offer.

Once I was in the shower, the terrible water pressure some how relaxed my muscles. The water tasted kind of salty, so I'm assuming we are in a country state, that has bad water. I don't really mind, I don't mind anything, anymore. There's no use.

I finished my shower quickly and changed into some sweats that Brian bought for me at the last cabin. If I wasn't so cold, I wouldn't wear them, but I can predict my body tempature. I brushed my wet hair out and braided it to the side, so it kept out of my face. I brushed my teeth and walked out of the bathroom. I noticed there was two bedrooms and Brian already has his stuff in one, so I obviously had the other one.

A gasp fell from my mouth, once I walked into the room. The walls were covered in a light pink. There were block letters on the wall that spelt out Lyndsey's Room. How could this be my room, if I've never been here before? I walked over to the dresser that had picture frames on it. One picture caught my eye, particularly. I picked it up and carefully examined it. The picture was of me dressed like a princess and I was in this room, but for some reason, I don't remember it.

“Bring back memories?” Brian made his presence known.

I continued to look at the picture, “I don't remember being here at all.” I turned my head to see that he was leaning up against the door frame.

Brian crossed his arms over his chest, “It's understandable, I mean you were really young.”

“So, I was actually here before?” I questioned, making sure I wasn't loosing my marbles or anything.

He nodded, “Yeah, from what your Dad told me a while back. This was your guys' vacation home. No one knows where it was, except for me, of course. He took me here one weekend and he just told me stories about you and your Mom. That was when I realized your Dad was a good man." 

I placed the picture back down and I walked over to the bed, "I think I'm going to crash now. I'm kind of tired." I lied and stretched my arms out to make it look good. 

Brian nodded without a second thought, "Alright. I'm right next to you if you need me." Which I won't. 

On instinct, I gave him a small smile. It didn't mean anything, but it sent him away. I laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling above me. Memories from last night came flooding through my mind and I tried to shake them, but I couldn't. 

 Brian cupped my face gently, "Everything is going to be okay. I won't let anything happen to you." I nodded, while gazing into his dark brown eyes. His face lowered a bit, causing my heartbeat to accelerate. I couldn't break my gaze from his eyes. He lowered again and I could feel his warm breath on my face. His lips crushed down on mine and it didn't take long for my body to respond. I deepened the kiss and he abruptly pulled away, "We can't."

How could two little words confuse and hurt me all at the same time? 

I didn't realize I was crying until I felt tears roll down my cheek. Why does he have to do this to me? Why can't he just feel the same way I do? A sniffle escaped my nose and I rubbed it, so it wasn't so loud. 

Time passed on and I still laid there, feeling more pathetic than I ever have before. I turned to my side and closed my eyes, hoping I could just forget about everything. 


I opened my eyes and sat up to see Brian standing in my doorway with just his boxers on. It made my heartbeat accelerate as I trailed my eyes up his body, before they landed on his eyes. I shook my head to snap out of it, "I'm fine."

He frowned, "You don't seem fine. Did you have another bad dream?" 

I wish it was a bad dream. 

Hearing him sound 'concerned' was really bothering me now. I sat straight up in bed and laughed, bitterly, "You actually care now?" 

Brian furrowed his eyebrows up, "Lyndsey, what are you talking about?" 

I tried to not keep it down, I don't like causing scenes, but I couldn't keep it in any longer. "I think it's really fucking funny that you all of a sudden care about me! Where were you last night when I was crying myself to sleep because of you? I've been ignoring you all day and you didn't even fucking notice. Now you think you just come in and pretend like you care? Well, I'm not believing it, so just leave." 

Brian seemed to get hurt by this, "Lynds.." 

I bit my lip to prevent tears from escaping. I put my hand up and refused to look at him, "Just leave. You've done enough." He left without saying another word. 

I laid back on the bed and took breaths in order to get myself under control. I felt better, now that I got that off my chest. Hopefully, it will help me get over him now. Stupid crush.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well first off, I'm back with this story! I've been real busy with family stuff going on, but now I'm working on my stories more, so you'll see more updates!

Now about the story, what does everyone honestly think of this? I mean this was my first time writing a story like this and I'm curious to see what you guys think about it so far. (:

I would also like to thank everybody who commented, subscribed, reccomeneded, or even just read! It really helps me knowing that people actually care about my writing, so thank you! I'm going to start doing shoutouts again next chapter! <3

So, comment, subscribe, recommend, or most importanly, just read. :D