‹ Prequel: Arkham
Status: It's coming along....



(Joker's Point of View)

I escaped from the police station and came to an empty home. Where has that girl gone to. I see her cell phone on the coffee table and her Executioner costume was missing. She's causing havoc on her own? She probably went looking for the good doctor.

I hear the door open and close. It was her.

"Pariah, dear. Where have you been?"

"Nowhere. I was just out."

"Did you find Dr. Crane?"

"No." I think she's hiding something from me.

"Well I need you to plant some explosives at the hospitals."

"I shouldn't go back at Gotham General...."

"Why not?" Pariah looked hesitant to tell me.

"I killed a nurse there tonight."

"Well first off, why were you in the hospital in the first place? Second, why did you kill the nurse?"

"I was dying." I felt my face stiffen and my eyes widen.

"What did you do?"

"I inhaled Scarecrow's concentrated dose of fear toxin... way more than anyone should. I wanted to die, so I thought that way would be more suitable. Someone found me and called nine one one. When I woke up in the hospital, I just snapped and killed the nurse that walked in."

"I can't even believe the words I'm hearing. I thought you were stronger than that. You tried to kill yourself... over some guy you barely even knew? I'm baffled."

"Well, what I'm trying to say is that I'm moving back into my old apartment."

(Myca's Point of View)

Joker then grabs my arm and pulls me closer to him.

"I need you here. I need your help."

"How do you need my help?"

"Well, I need you to plant the explosives at Gotham General and I get kind of lonely."

"Why can I never tell if you're serious or not?"

"I'm good at acting." He loosened his grip.

"I'll help you plant the explosives and such and such, but I'm still moving back into my old apartment."

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, I'll visit if you want. So you won't be lonely."

"Okay. We leave in ten minutes. The stuff is in the van. Pack quickly. I want those explosives set in specific places. Here's a map of Gotham General," Joker said handing me the folded map. I nod my head and went into the bedroom to begin packing.

If Scarecrow is going into hiding, then I can't stay here, I'm going with him in other words.

I don't trust Joker either. The people that tried to destroy Gotham before had a plan and a purpose, Joker is doing it just for the chaos, for anarchy. He wants to see what the people and Batman will do when random things start to happen. He's so hell bent on corrupting Batman when I know for a fact, it's impossible. He doesn't kill, he handles the crooks and he puts them away in the proper penitentiary. They all go to Arkham anyway and I also know for a fact that they'll just get out again.

I pack everything I brought form the apartment in the narrows and put it into two suitcases. I put them into the van outside where Joker was waiting in the driver's seat.

"Hurry up, Pariah. I haven't got all day and neither does the good doctor." I froze where I stood.

"What are you talking about?"

"I know you found Jonny cakes. I know you've talked to him about leaving Gotham after this operation, going into hiding to get married and blah blah blah. I'll tell you one thing right now, princess, Scarecrow only cares for Scarecrow. Jon was that sweet, shy, coy man that was gentle to you and loved you with all his heart. But Scarecrow, is aggressive, selfish, and out of his God damned mind! You will not be happy."

"I love Jonathan Crane and Scarecrow, they're the same person."

"No, no they're not. They are completely different. Believe it or not, I've known Dr. Crane a lot longer than you have. He was my psychiatrist at one point, you know. He was cold and monotoned and expressionless."

"Not around me."

"Well of course not around you. He needed you, thats why he framed you for the robbery and took you to Arkham Asylum. He was planning on using you and your emotions to get what he wanted."

"My blood, but he ended up not using it at all. He gave me a place to stay, he tried to make things right with me."

"And looked what he did to your life! You're now a career criminal and he was the start of it all, not to mention he tried to leave you."

"He wasn't trying to leave me. He was coming back." tears began to swell in my eyes.

Don't you dare cry, not in front of him!

"Was little Pariah about to cry? In all the months we've known each other, I've never seen you cry."

"Lets just get to the hospital before I change my mind."

We raced to the hospital when nobody was around. It was dead of night and we took the explosives out of the back of the vans and into a backpack. I run inside and used the flashlight to look at the map and see where he wants these explosives placed.

(Scarecrow's Point of View)

I waited at the apartment for Myca, but she's running late. Joker is probably trying to convince her not to go, try and take her from me again. But I know her, she's already made up her mind. She loves me. I just can't believe I'm really doing this, running away to get married secretly. Thats not how I wanted it to happen, but we don't have a choice. I'm a wanted criminal and so is she.

They'll be looking for her after the incident at the hospital. She randomly killed a nurse.

'I knew this would happen. You've finally driven her mad.'

"Oh shut up! You really are starting to become a nuisance. I didn't choose this."

'Oh but you did, Jonny. You ruined her life! She would be going out with her friend's and not worried about getting caught by the GCPD if it wasn't for you. You made her what she is. She wouldn't be the Executioner if you didn't have the need to be near her and locked her up. Everything that she is now, is your fault.'

"Everything I did was because I love her!"


"Myca? What took you so long? I missed you."

"I missed you too. Joker wanted me to do one last job before I left. I had to put explosives inside Gotham General."


"He plans to blow it up. It's all a part of his plan to corrupt Batman by getting to Harvey Dent."

"Are your things in the car?"

"Yes. Where are we going?"

"We're just going to drive around and find a place where we can join as husband and wife, then we're coming back here," I said pulling her closer to me. She giggled and kissed me.

"Tell me we're not going to Vegas though."

"Oh no. I want this to be perfect. Not some five minute wedding in a cheap chapel. I am committed to make our wedding day the best day of your life."

"I love you." We just sat in the dark apartment just holding each other. It was so quiet, I could hear Myca's heartbeat. I can feel her head under my chin, her smooth hair between my fingers. I'll be able to live like this everyday with her, just as it was meant to be.

(Joker's Point of View)

"Ma'am, you have to leave here," the officer said to me. Ma'am? Oh right, the nurse outfit. I turn around to quickly shoot the officer and turned my attention back to Dent. I walk over to his bedside and adjusted his bed so that he's sitting upright. I then sat in a metal chair.

"Hi." Dent was struggling to get free and strangle me. In my opinion, I think he looks better with half of his face gone HAHAHA!

I take the wig off.

"You know, I don't want there to be any hard feelings between us, Harvey. When you and... uh..."

"...RACHEL!" I jump a little by the rage in Dent's voice. Somebody is pissed....

"You and Rachel were being upducted, I was sitting in Gordon's cage. I didn't rig those charges."

"Your men, your plan."

"Do I really look like someone with a plan? You know what I am? I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it. I just do things."

Dent started getting a little more restless. I might have to wait releasing him, but I am on a bit of a tight schedule. I need to hurry this along, but I need him to see my point.

"You know the mob has plans, the cops have plans, Gordon has plans. Because they're schemers. Schemers try to control their little worlds. I'm most certainly not a schemer. I'm trying to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts really are." I reach for Dent's hand, giving a brotherly handshake.

"So when I say what happened to you and your girlfriend was nothing personal, you know I'm telling the truth." Except for Rachel, that was a happy accident.

Dent just stares at me for the longest time, then swipes his hand away as if I were diseased or demented. I can't wait for him to be calm anymore, I got to hurry up. So, I remove the restraints. He seemed to be okay, so I continue with the ranting.

"Schemers got you where you are. You were a schemer, you had plans, and look where that got you." Dent used his free hand to try and threaten me. I take his arm and held it in my hand so he wouldn't try anything that stupid again.

"I only did what i do best. I took your little plan and turned it on itself." I think he's starting to finally realize that i'm right. Finally, took him long enough. He's starting to see that my cause is justifiable.

"Look what i did to this city with a few drops of gasoline and a couple of bullets." He just continues to stare at me....

"You know what I've noticed? No one panics when things go according to plan..." Dent is probably thinking 'well no shit, genius' in his head right now.

"...Even if the plan if horrifying. If I tell the press that tomorrow I'd like a gang banger to be shot or a truck of soldiers to be blown up, nobody panics. Because it's all part of a plan. But, when I say one little old mayor will die... well then everybody loses their minds!"

I take a gun out from under my belt and turned it in my hand.

"Introduce a little anarchy, upset the established order and everything becomes chaos," I said placing the gun in Dent's hand.

"You know the thing about chaos, it's bare."
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Hope you enjoyed this chapter :)