City Lights

Where Is My Twin?

Ghost's POV

A sister. I have a twin sister.

I was still in shock when she ran out, crying.

"Ghost? Ghost?? Ghost!" I kept hearing my name get called, but all i could do was stare at where she had just been moments ago.

"Devin!!" I heard people start calling. I paid no attention as things went from slow motion, back to reality when I realized she'd run out, my sister who was living on the streets for years.
I turned and ran out, not paying attention to anyone calling me, just running. Running to find the only family I had left who didn't think I was a freak.

"Jaycie!!! " i started calling out, looking around. I got outside right as the fans looked my way and started running after me. That didn't matter right now. I needed to find her.

I had been running for what I think was a good hour with no luck finding her. I had been ripped to shreds by fans and gotten lost in a city i didn't know. Still, none of it mattered. The only thing that mattered was I had a sister who i needed and who needed me. And i couldn't find her anywhere.

"Jaycie..!" i yelled again. I'd lost hope a long while ago. I don't know what made me keep running and looking. By now, I knew I wouldn't find her. She was gone. I find out i have a sister and was too shocked by what i'd just heard. And as quick as she had come into my life, she was gone. I'd lost her again.

I slid down a tree on the outside of town and broke down. I'd lost my only sibling. Again. I'd lost her at birth and now I'd lost her when I had just found her.

"Jaycie... No.." I mumbled. I didn't know where i was and no one knew where i was. I'd run from the band I called family and the family I called home. I was lost. I fell asleep under that tree, curled up, hopeless, shredded, and lost.

Jaycie's POV

This was a foreign city. I didn't know where i was. Occasionally, I'd hear my name faintly on the breaths of the wind, but they were too far in another direction. By now, I was sure I was outside the city and away from everything. But by now, all i wanted was to go back to a family I'd found and cry on them. My mom had left me here, alone. And now i had done the same to Devin, the brother I didn't know i had. He was probably still with his band and they were probably on their way to a new city by now. He was with his family that he'd found, loved by them all. All i knew was dead and forgotten.

I kept walking, tears streaking my cheeks and torn as i found a tree. It was huge, having strong enough branches to hold a person. It was quite peculiar. It wasn't the twisting of the tree like it had been beaten and bruised that made it peculiar. It wasn't the leaves falling off it like it, too, had been crying that made it peculiar. It was the fact that under the mangled, twisted branches and dying, crying leaves, there was someone laying there, tattered and miserable. Just like me.

I walked over to them, under the tree that was as messed up as me and curled up next to the sleeping person. I looked at them closely and was surprised. It wasn't that he had been crying and was torn like he'd gone through a mob. It was that it was Devin. It was just like my mother had once said.

"Soon, you will find your own Ghost who will save you as you have done for me. You are my saving Ghost, and you will find yours when you need it most."

"But momma, you are my Ghost, too. I don't need one who will save me if I have you. You'll keep me safe."

"Yes darling, but it's not to keep you safe. It's to keep you happy. Your Ghost will become your family and go for lengths you couldn't imagine to stay by you and keep you protected and happy. That's what Ghosts do."

"But when momma?"

"Soon enough. Soon enough." she said, going into a coughing fit. I stared in horror, not knowing what to do.

I smiled to myself. She was right. I'd found my Ghost. I grabbed his hand and curled up next to him, falling asleep. I now knew that he had gone to lengths unimaginable, trying to find me. He would keep me safe and close. Just like family.

Ghost's POV

I woke up with someone beside me. When i looked down at them, i smiled. It was Jaycie. I got up and picked her up, carrying her back to where i thought i should go. Just like something had told me i had to keep looking for her when I'd gone hopeless, something told me to carry her back to this place. I listened to it, because last time i had, it found Jaycie for me.

When we got back to where I was carrying her, i saw our tour bus. I smiled and looked up as wind blew thru.

"Thank you.." I said quietly and more wind blew through, carrying the scent of flowers. It was familiar but I didn't know why.

I carried her on the bus, looking down at her sleeping peacefully. Once i had gotten on the bus, I looked up to see everyone asleep in the main part of the bus, looking worried. I looked over at the clock to see it was four in the morning. I sighed. We had been gone for a long while.

I took Jaycie to my bunk and laid her in it then walked to the front to see the driver reading a book.

"Hey... I know we are gonna be really late because i went out so late. I'm sorry." I said quietly as he looked back at me.

"It's fine. As long as you found her and you're both ok, it's fine by me." he said, smiling.

"Thank you. We are all on the bus now if you wanna go ahead and go." I said, smiling at him softly. He nodded and put his book down and started the bus up. I walked back to my bunk and crawled into it with her as the bus started moving. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her, falling asleep happily knowing that she was safe.

I woke up to the sound of arguing. I sighed and went to get out of the bunk when the curtain flew open and Ang looked at me.

"Guys, chill. I told you i was right. They're both back." he called back to them, not taking his eyes off Jaycie. Just then, Chris ran over.

"Oh thank god." he said as soon as he saw both of us.

"What was all the arguing about?" I asked as I climbed out of the bunk, rubbing my eyes and shutting the curtain so Jaycie could sleep.