Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Looking Uneasy

Emily’s POV

I was putting my clothes and belongings away in my draws. I saw from the corner of my eye that Kate threw a pillow at Tom. He was probably just sat there doing nothing and she decided to randomly through one at him. She does things like that sometimes. Tom got up and went down stairs.

'Hey Kate this is cool huh?'

‘Yeah, great.’

‘What’s up? First day and you’re gloomy.’

‘Nothing, I was just talking to Tom about something.’

‘Oh ok. I’m so excited! Can’t wait till tonight! I’m sharing a bed with Tom Kaulitz! Who’d you get?’


‘Oh no way.’

‘Still could be worse, could have been Gustav.’

It was 9:30 and our 2nd day on the bus. Everyone was drinking. Just sat around like well, drunks. I was sat next to Bill and Sarah on the couch. Gustav, Georg and Rhi were sat on the one opposite. Kate was on a random chair next the kitchen then Tom was the furthest away from me on the stairs. I noticed he kept staring at me. Just sat there for ages. Not blinking, not moving just sat drinking; staring.

‘Yo Tom! You still with us mate?’ Kate shouted.

‘Yes.’ He was beginning to creep me out. He didn’t move at all when he said it. Just his jaw.

‘Well you know, be a little more, sociable. Come sit with us over here!’

‘No, I’m fine here.’

‘On the stairs? Look, it’s easy enough, just get up and come sit over this way!’

‘You know I think I might go to bed. I’ll see you guys later.’

‘I’ll follow you up.’

I stood and headed towards the stairs. It was Tom that had said he’d come up with me. Ok, I liked him. But this was weird. I looked over to Bill, strangely enough I think he got the hint as he said goodnight to everyone and the came up with us. I could hear the volume turn up as the others stayed down stairs and chatted, shouted and laughed away. Tom went to the bathroom and I got chance to talk to Bill.

‘Hey, thanks for coming up with us.’

‘No problem. I saw the way he was looking at you. You seemed a little uneasy.’

‘Well, it’s not that. I just, why was he looking at me?’

‘Come on, you know why. You know what he’s like. He can’t resist a good looking girl.’

I felt my checks turn pink. I looked away and fluffed up my pillow. I felt him look at me a little longer then he turned away to his bed. He was sweet. Quite a contrast to what I’ve seen of Tom so far. He returned from the bathroom and sat on the pillow I had just made right. Damn, I hate it when people do things like that. But I don’t suppose he knew. I gathered my pj’s, yes I had decided to wear full length, proper pyjamas while sharing a bed with Tom Kaulitz.
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please tell me what you think of this one people??
