Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Cold Water and Hot Minds

Rhi’s POV

Tom came back down stairs and went to the kitchen for a drink. We were talking about Emily’s book, and how she won’t show people what’s in it. Drunk, we ended up talking about her liking Tom, while he was in the kitchen. Though I don’t think he heard anything. Emily also came for a drink of cold water.

‘Hey guys, sorry I’m just getting a drink I’m too hot.’

She poured some water then returned to her bunk on the upper half of the bus.

‘Damn right she’s too hott.’

‘I’m warning you!’ Kate stood point the finger at him.

‘Oh come on…’

‘I mean it! One more thing and I’ll tell her!’

He just there. Took a sip of his drink. Gave her the v’s then waltzed up the stairs.

‘Bastard!’ She ran to shout up to him. Something had happened that we didn’t know about. I hadn’t a clue what it could have been. Everyone just stood and stared. It had kind of ruined the mood so we all agreed to just go up to bed. Emily was asleep and Tom was trying his best to wrap his arms around her but he kept getting tangled in his own dreads. Bill was sat reading something. Everyone else slowly got changed in turns in the bathroom then climbed into their beds. Though me and Gustav were the only two top-and-tailing.
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