Fur Immer Heilig Sein


Sarah’s POV

I woke up in the morning to see Kate wasn’t there. She was downstairs. We were the only two awake. Which was odd, because usually she was the last to wake up and Emily’s is usually the first. Maybe Tom has ‘sleep-for-an-age’ vibes coming from him. Because he sleeps for ever!

‘You’re up early.’

‘Yeah, can’t believe Emily’s still asleep.’

‘Yeah but did you see her and Tom?’

‘Hugging, I know.’

‘What are you girls doing up? I’d have thought you’d all still be asleep.’ It was Gustav.

‘We thought we would be too. Toast anyone?’

‘Oh yeah please.’

Bill came down stairs looking rough. Followed by Tom and Emily. They both had slightly annoyed expression to them. And Emily had blood pouring from her nose.

‘What’s up with you two?’

‘He woke me up.’

‘No you woke me up!’

‘No I didn’t!’

‘Bill what happened?’

‘Tom turned over and elbowed Emily in the face. So she punched him in the arm, which, is understandable. Do you want some tissue?’

‘Yea, pwease? I forgod do ged sobe.’

‘Yeah just, don’t talk. We can’t understand a word. Here.’

Bill went and sat with her and held the tissue to her nose while she tried to wash her hands. Tom just pulled the table down and leaned on it then pouted. Next thing we knew he was on the floor and the table was back to hanging on the wall.

‘What the hell is going on down here?’ Rhi asked storming down the stairs. But when she saw Tom spread out on all fours she just burst out laughing.

‘Oh! Well that was the highlight of my day. Back to bed now, just to make sure I didn’t dream it.’

‘Oh haha. Damn table, fuckin collapsing. They should makes these shitty things fuckin stronger.’ Tom was mumbling to himself as he got to his feet.
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