Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Whatever it was it was Her!

Kate’s POV

We all staggered around for a bit with the typical ‘oh, isn’t the weather nice?’ statement. Yeah, cuz that makes people think your not up to something! The police stopped and exited the car. They walked over to us slowly. They were kinda, well, kinda meaning very, intimidating.

‘We can explain seriously it was her fault.’

Tom pointed his finger at Emily who scowled back at him. She still liked him though I think. Whether this was one of those, I hate you things or love/hate things I really had no idea.

‘Explain what?’

‘About whatever it was that was illegal!’


‘I swear I didn’t mean to hit her! She hit me back! Just don’t tell me mom I elbowed a girl!’

Tom was pleading on his hands and knees. Terry stood there with his hand in his hands. Sarah whispered in my ear ‘face, palm!’ complete with actions.

‘We just want autographs. My brothers kid is a big fan. She’d love it.’

‘It was her! It was her! It was…wait what…?’

‘An autograph. You’re not, drunk are you?’

‘No, no. just. Yeah sure. You got a pen?’


‘So who are we making it to?’

‘Oh erm…Hannah and Katie.’

‘Hold the phone…’ Emily said wondering forwards.

‘Sorry I couldn’t help over hear. Hannah and Katie?’

‘Umm…yeah Branch.’

‘Kevin! Hey guys! He knows my uncle!’

‘Your related to Dan, as in Dan and Rach…’

‘Dan and Rachelle! Yeah!’
♠ ♠ ♠
this one i planned.....