Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Oh Him!

Bill’s POV

Emily just stood there staring at us for a while. As if we were supposed to know what she was going on about.

‘Oh come on! Dan? And Rachelle!’

‘Sarah, are we supposed to understand her when she’s crazy?’ Gustav asked nervously.

‘Just nod and look like you understand.’

And being the simple soul that he is, he did exactly that.

‘You guys must remember them!’

‘Umm…we have no idea who you are talking about.’

‘Dan! And Rachelle! And Hannah and Katie!’

‘You really need to explain this one!’

‘Oh! Dan!’ Kate burst out.

‘Yes thank you!’

‘Dan who for fucks sake!’ Tom shouted rather annoyed. I think we were scaring the police officer.

‘My uncle!’

Everyone just relaxed and went ‘oooooohhhhhhhhhh that Kevin.’ it was her uncle that we met. The one that told us about her. The whole reason why they’re with us! No I see why she was acting so mental about it. She was kind of cute when she was crazy. I might talk to Tom. Make her really angry so she wants to swap beds.

‘Hey when you see him again, tell him thank you for directing Tokio Hotel to me and tell the girls I love them too!’


‘He’ll know what you mean. OH and tell him it’s from Emily Stewart.’

‘So that’s your last name huh?’ Georg practically shouted.

‘Didn’t you know?’

♠ ♠ ♠
i thought you guys would have been smart...
and remembered him from one of the first chapters!
well done if you did!!!!!!