Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Paint Tubes

Emily’s POV

I sat holding Tom’s hands on the sofa. Bill came and sat next to us as well.

‘Well what happened is, I was showing Bill some drawings and my paint tubes were on the bed. He leaned on the bed and kinda, squeezed one’

‘You mean he sprayed paint up his own face?’

‘And on my hair! I can’t believe I got it on my hair…’

He looked at the floor looking very sorry for himself, well; for his hair.

‘Bill, I knew you were stupid. But jeez… ‘

‘So he took his top off and gave it to me to wash while he washed his hair.’

There was a loud crash from behind us. We all looked round to see the others fallen through the door in a pile up. They were all laughing their heads off.

‘You squirted…on yourself?!’


Strange hand actions were involved in both reactions. They all rolled about on the floor laughing at Bill. Then laughing at Tom for thinking that we were up to something.


Rhi said in-between laughs.
♠ ♠ ♠
this ones short....
but SWEET!!!!!!

i liked this one...
but..........that next chapter is kinda funney.......
not as good as this though.....xD