Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Cups and Saucers

Kate’s POV

That was the highlight of my day! Rhi and Gustav went back to bickering over minute things that didn’t even really matter. Such as…

‘Why did you use that cup?’ Rhi questioned.

‘Because I just did?’

‘But I wanted that cup.’

‘Well, tough. I’ve got it now.’

‘But, I want it.’

‘Well I’m drinking out of it!’

‘Well then stop drinking out of it clean the mug and give it to me to use!’

‘But that’s just a complete and utter waste of time!’

‘No it’s not! You should have asked if anyone wanted that cup.’

‘I’ll remember next time to ask if it’s ok to use a certain piece of toilet roll. Or if I have to wait for you to come and tell me which bit I can use!’ Gustav exclaimed.

‘That’s just pointless…’

‘Well so is this!’

‘I don’t even know why we’re arguing about it…’

‘Because someone wanted to use this cup!’

‘Well if you’d have offered it to me, this never would have happened.’
♠ ♠ ♠
oh i liked writing this chapter!!!!

twas fun!!!!!!