Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Cute Aprons

Sarah’s POV

We all sat wondering whether Rhi and Gustav would ever actually get along. I couldn’t stop myself looking at Bill. But he didn’t notice. He was too busy looking at Emily, who was looking at Tom who was watching Rhi and Gustav argue.


Kate hated silence. Couldn’t stand it. Bill’s top was finally dry though. Good for him. But, meepp… I like it when it was wet! He looks hott when he’s dripping wet. Hunger was getting the better of me, and I wasn’t surprised. It was 9 o’clock!

‘Ok. I’m gonna make dinner!’

‘No! let Tom cook! I want pasta!’

‘Emily, you always want pasta…’

‘Well, so?’

‘And you always want Tom to cook.’

‘The apron is a cute look!’

His dreads hit him in the face as he spun his head round. His cheeks were inflamed with embarrassment. He jumped up and ran to the kitchen to start cooking. And the first thing he did was put the apron on…

‘Boys are pathetic.’

‘What makes you say that?’

‘Well if they’re not using all the cups for themselves they’re wearing aprons…’

‘Get over it, it was a cup!’

‘But it was my cup…’

‘Was not.’

‘Was too.



‘Just shut up both of you! Jeez…’
♠ ♠ ♠
tom in an apron!!!!!

*visualises* *and likes*

it IS cute on him!!!