Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Puking Chamber

Georg’s POV

Bill had left the room to go see Emily and Tom. While everyone who was left in the room was left wasted. He’d been gone about half an hour. Tom staggered into the room. But he didn’t look to happy. He also had managed to loose Emily, and Bill.

‘Where are those two?’

‘I thought they came back here?’


‘Oh. Well Emily’s pretty much a walking bottle of vodka right now. She’s probably going to pass out any second. Bill’s more then likely dragging her back here. Or to the bedroom.’

‘But, if they were on their way back here. Wouldn’t you have seen them?’

‘Who cares?’

‘Umm… guys… I think I need to…oh shit!’

Kate jumped up and sprinted to the bathroom. All we could hear was her heaving. The toilet flushed and then keeping a tight grasp on the wall, she made her way to the bedroom. But she was the only one to go to bed. The rest of us stayed up waiting to see where the other two had got to. Everyone was laid about spread over chairs and sofas and the floor and everywhere else you can think of. But not before Rhi followed Kate out to the bathroom. And all we could hear was more heaving.
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this chapters really short!!
so i'm goona go update!!!!