Fur Immer Heilig Sein

No! Really! What Do You...?

Sarah’s POV

I woke up in the morning to find Bill gone. I looked over to Emily and Tom’s bed and they were cuddled up kinda close. Emily was still, disturbingly for me, in her underwear. While Tom was, as always, topless. I made my way into the kitchen to see Bill eating cornflakes. He had this big grin on his face about something.

‘Hi Sarah!’

‘Umm… hi Bill.’

‘You ok?’

‘Umm… yes. Why? Aren’t you?’

‘Me? No I’m fine! I’m really great! I’m… what do you think Emily will say if I ask her out like?’ he said his face filled with sudden concern.

‘Umm, I don’t know. She likes Tom doesn’t she?’

‘Well, oh that just makes me feel great doesn’t it?’

‘I’m sorry! I just, have you seen those two in bed? Like at the moment… not like… argh.’

‘I know what you mean. And yes. But maybe they just like to cuddle things when they sleep. But last night I mean, I know things that you don’t.’

‘Oh yeah. What kind of things?’

‘Just things. I heard them talking last night.’

‘You mean you were listen in on them?’

‘Well it wasn’t exactly hard. We were all in the same room. And they’re not exactly quiet.’

‘And? What were they saying?’

‘Just stuff.’



‘Whatever you say…’

Hey in a bit, when he wakes up, do you mind giving me and Tom some space? You know, to talk about some things?’

‘Yeah sure I guess. What kinda things?’

‘Just things ok?’

‘Hey guys! You two are up early!’

‘So are you. I’d expect you to be in bed with a hang over.’

‘Yeah… well. I’m not.’

Emily went out onto the balcony. The sun was shining through quite strongly.
♠ ♠ ♠
fill in chapter...

the next one is umm...
well you'll find out when i post it!!