Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Emily’s POV

As I stood on the balcony, I remembered everything from last night. Even though I had passed out, I still remember it all perfectly. Making out with Bill. Then only hours later trying it on with his twin. God. I felt like such a whore. Suddenly hearing the screen door close to I was snapped out of my thoughts and back to reality.


‘Hey Bill.’

‘You ok?’

‘Listen about last night I…’

‘Shh… it’s fine. You look so beautiful.’

‘I feel terrible. You know, I really hope you know how much your brother loves you.’

‘I do. I heard everything last night.’

‘I bet you think I’m such a slut now.’

‘No. No. Of course I don’t. I couldn’t ever think that about you.’

‘You’re so sweet. And handsome, and just. Perfect.’

‘No, I’m not. You’re more beautiful than anything in the entire world. Du bist zu mich fur immer Heilig sein.’

‘Und du, zu mich.’

‘Emily. Would you, you know. Do you want to…’

‘I’ll think about it.’

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pushed my lips upon his.

‘I’ve thought about it. And, yeah.’

‘I love you.’

‘Ich liebe dich.’

‘Hey! I’m German, not you…’

‘Be quiet.’

I shut him up with a kiss. His arms snaked around my waist and he pulled me closer to him. Shutting my eyes I let myself get lost in the kiss. There was a flash off light.

‘What was that?’

‘What was what?’

‘That flash?’

‘I didn’t see a flash.’

‘Oh, must be a reflection.’

‘Where were we…?’

I continued to mindlessly indulge in his grasp. His hair just hung loose because he hadn’t fixed it yet. His eyes were clear from make-up. But, then I heard a click.

‘Ok you must have heard that?’

‘Emily, heard what?’

‘That click!’

‘Are you sure you’re ok?’

‘I’m fine. But… you’re sure you didn’t hear that?!’


‘Huh… well. I’m kinda hungry. I’m sorry if I just kept like ruining that, but I definitely saw a flash and I’m certain I heard a click.’

‘If you say so… I mean, how do you get so, nice?’

‘Am I supposed to answer that?’

‘I guess not.’

‘I could, if you wanted me to?’

I once again let his lips and mine touch. I felt his hands slid up my body and under my top. He was only around my waist. But I was uncomfortable about being in an open space. We moved so that we were leaning against the railing.

‘Bill, people could be watching!’

‘I guess, come on.’

He kissed my cheek, took my hand and led me inside. Sarah was sat at the breakfast bar just staring at us both. And so was Tom.
♠ ♠ ♠
one happy couple.....
but poor tom.....

we'll just have to wait and see what happens......