Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Best Brother

Tom’s POV

As Bill and Emily stepped through the screen door fingers interlocked I knew that he had asked her. She hugged him and went into the bedroom to get ready to go downstairs for some breakfast. Bill looked at Sarah. I think she understood that he wanted to talk to me, alone.

‘So, you asked her then?’

‘Yeah. Thanks Tom.’

‘What for?’

‘For what you did last night.’

‘I didn’t do anything.’

‘I heard you and Emily talking. You know, when she was trying to kiss you as well.’

‘It was nothing I just…’

‘Tom. I know what that must have been like for you. With you liking her as well I mean. I really do appreciate what you did. It meant a lot to me. As a brother and as my best friend.’

‘Yeah well. It was nothing really.’

‘So umm, I know this is another big favour. But do you mind swapping with me? You know so I’m with Emily in the beds and stuff.’

‘You try. But I think you’ll have a hard job. The other girls refuse to go with me.’


‘I don’t know do I?’

‘Yeah sorry stupid question.’

‘Right I’m ready. Me and Bill are going down for some breakfast. You coming Tom?’

‘I ate already. I think I’ll stay here. You two go down.’

‘Alright. See you in a bit.’ She pecked his cheek and pulled me with her.

‘So, you ok?’

‘Yeah I’m great! I know this sounds kinda bad, but I’m really glad you stopped me last night! Otherwise, I’d feel so bad right now about Bill!’

‘Yeah well, you owe me!’

‘I’ll find a way to pay you back a promise. I just don’t know how…’

‘You could talk Bill out of swapping beds. Then that’d be enough.’

‘You mean, date Bill. Then, share a bed with, you. His twin?’

‘Well yeah. Oh come on. You know none of the other girls will share with me.’

‘I, I dunno…’

‘Oh come on!’

‘Fine, fine. I’ll try. But if it doesn’t work then that’s just how it’s got to be and you’ll probably have to share with Sarah.’
♠ ♠ ♠
true twins!!!