Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Hang Overs

Kate’s POV

We were all sat around a table pretty bored. Tom and Emily came downstairs with their arms around each other laughing about something, then they let go. They came over and sat down happily chatting, completely forgetting that we were sat next to them.

‘You guys…?’

‘…But I don’t see why he’s so worried I mean…’

‘You guys!’

‘…Tonight, he’ll do great like he always…’


‘Yeah. What?’

‘Are you two still aware we live?’

‘Well… umm, yeah. Why what’s up?’

‘Well the whole 3 weeks we’ve been out here with the guys Emily, all you’ve done is either swan around either Tom or Bill. Like some slut looking to get laid.’

‘Excuse me? Did you just…?’

‘Yes. I just called you a slut.’

‘And you. You bastard. You’re a perverted freak and you have no idea how much it would hurt Bill if he knew! He likes her you know!’

‘Oh… God. Kate. Sorry guys. Everyone. I forgot to tell you all…oh hey sweetie.’ Bill came over and kissed her.

Everyone just sort of went, ‘oohhh…’. know I see why she was with them.

‘Oh right. I’m sorry. I take that back.’

‘I guess I knew you didn’t mean it really.’

We finished eating and all headed upstairs. We were all anxious about tonight’s gig already. Even though it was only like 10 in the morning. Rhi and Gustav are doing my head in. They can’t talk. They have to be arguing or disagreeing about something.

‘Get a freakin’ room will ya?!’

Emily and Bill have stitched their mouths together since this morning. I had a sulky Tom playing depressing tunes on his guitar so once again, I was left with Georg for company.

‘Leave it alone.’

‘I’m not doing anything.’

‘Just put it down will you. It’ll end up on the floor broken.’

‘No it won’t. I’m not going to dro…’

‘Shut the fuck up the both of you!’

‘Just cuz you’ve got a hang over doesn’t mean you have to take it out on us!’

‘Oh well I’m sorry. I’ll just not drink next time!’

‘Sounds like a good idea actually.’

‘Are you being serious? I can’t not drink… that a stupid idea. Whoever gave you that idea?’

‘Umm, let me think. You?’

‘Pfft…well maybe…’

I landed myself in it a bit there with that one. Bill and Emily finally unglued their tongues long enough to talk to each other. But now I had to put up with them saying all lovey-dovey crap.
♠ ♠ ♠
kate tends to call me a slut in a few of my stories...
ha xD
emily and bill!!