Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Back Stabbing Coward

Georg’s POV

We were all in our suite spread out very bored. Emily went out to change, Tom decided he wanted a swim. So he went back for his swim shorts.

‘So, well I’m bored.’

‘Yeah me too.’

‘Right. I’ll be back in a minute I need a book or something. Won’t be long.’

‘Georg, while you’re there tell Emily to hurry up.’

‘I, will try.’

I left the room and headed across the hallway. I got into the suite. But Emily and Tom were both in the bedroom. Jeez, people like disappearing a lot lately.

‘I like you too, but I’m with Bill. And to be honest it was kinda your own fault. You practically told me to go with him.’

‘No, I just wanted you to feel guilty. So you would go with me.’

‘Well, that’s just as bad.’

I heard the bed creak as someone moved. I didn’t dare open the door, they would hear.

‘No Tom.’

‘That’s not what you said last night.’

‘Well last night I was drunk. And you were saying no to me last night. Tom, I’m sorry I can’t kiss you, but I’m with Bill. I like Bill ok?’

‘He doesn’t need to know.’

‘Tom. I’m not cheating on Bill. Or anyone for that matter. Especially with his own twin. Can’t you imagine the pain that would cause him if he ever found out?’

‘So, you would. If he never found out.’

‘What? No. Tom, I’m sorry. I need to go back to Bill now.’

‘What so you can go cosy up to him and pretend this never happened. Act as though you don’t like me?’

‘He knows I like you. He heard us last night. Why would you want to ruin that for him?’

‘I’m not trying to ruin anything. We could try it though. Just for a little while. Only for a little while. Not to long…’

‘Tom, listen to you. This is crazy. You’re being completely irrational.’

‘I’m being irrational?! You’re the one making out on balconies where the wide world can see you.’

‘That’s got nothing to do with this!’

‘Yes it does! Would you make out on a balcony with me?’

‘No. because I’m with Bill. Tom you have got to…’

‘And if you weren’t with Bill?’

‘Well that would just be a completely different story all together wouldn’t it.’

‘So, would you or not?’

‘Excuse me? You were actually expecting me to answer that?’

‘Might have been. Yeah. It’s not a difficult question would you or not?’

‘That is just, this is silly and inappropriate.’

‘No, you just don’t want to say because you’re scared someone will be listening.’

‘Of course I’m not. Everyone’s in the other suite.’

‘Then what are you afraid of?’


‘If you’re not so scared you’ll come out there with me.’

‘Tom what are you…? Let go of me. Now! Tom let go!’

I could hear her struggling. He wasn’t dragging her or anything. She can’t be in any pain because she wasn’t screaming. I opened the door and crept behind the bed where I could just see what they were doing.

‘Let go of me now Tom! This isn’t funny… let. Me . Go!’

‘You never said you wouldn’t kiss me.’

‘I’m going out with your twin. How practically gave me away to him! How can you do this?! Let go!’

She was struggling to get away from his grasp at this point. I couldn’t sit here and watch it anymore. I stood up behind the bed and just coughed as if I’d just come in.

‘Georg. Hi. Me and Emily were just admiring the view. Nice isn’t it?’

‘Only when there isn’t a back stabbing coward in the way.’
♠ ♠ ♠
tom went back to being pervy...
bad tom!!