Fur Immer Heilig Sein

mark My Words Gustav Schafer

Kate’s POV

Emily, Tom and Georg all came back into the room. Tom sat and scowled at Bill when Emily took his hand and lead him into the bedroom. Georg however, sat scowling at Tom.

‘Hey guys, it’s two hours till the first show of the tour!’

‘Oh, riveting. Ain’t that just dandy? I’m excited. Aren’t you excited? It’s that just the greatest?’

‘What’s up with you?’

‘Oh nothing is wrong with me. I’m fine! I’m not annoyed-at-my-twin-for-getting-the…’

He was cut short in his pointless, worthless ramblings by a scream in the bedroom. It was obviously Emily. We all jumped up and sprinted into the bedroom. All, except Tom and Georg who stayed on the sofa’s.

‘What’s up? What’s wrong? What’s happened?’

‘There’s a…there’s a… there’s a wasp on the bed! It was right next to my head!’

‘What are you…?’

‘Me and Bill were just there. Making out…’

‘As usual.’

‘…and it was just, there. Next to my ear. Inches away it was. I wish I’d never been born. I shouldn’t have come in here. I knew I should have stayed out there. My life is worthless. They’ll take over you know! Them wasps!’

‘Emily, it’s just a wasp. And it’s gone now. Gustav got rid of it.’

‘Oh, well he would.’

‘Rhi don’…’

‘He’d have to be the hero of the hour.’

‘Well yes maybe I did. And what are you going to do about it?’

‘Just you wait. I’ll show you. One day, soon, in the not-so-far-distant-close future, I will get revenge. Mark my words Gustav Schafer. I will get my revenge.’

‘Revenge for what? I did nothing!’


She stormed out of the room. Her and Gustav have got to get this fighting sorted out. Otherwise the rest of the tour will be hell! I am not swapping with her. No way am I sharing a bed with Gustav. Like, ever.

‘So, now it’s gone. Can me and Bill get back to what we were doing?’

‘Actually, we’ve got to get down to the venue. Sorry baby.’

‘Baby, oh that’s a new one. Soon it’ll be ‘make me a cuppa love.’ And ‘I’m tired you coming to bed hun’?’

‘That’s what old married couples do!’

‘My point exactly.’

They both just stood and stared at each other. Turning equally as pink as each other. I think I saw them step away form each other slightly. It was only meant as a joke. I didn’t mean to makes things awkward between them. still, at least it will keep Tom away from her now they’re together.
♠ ♠ ♠
i ain't updated in a whole two days!!!