Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Passion with Stripes

Bill’s POV

We were sat in the backstage area listening to the support play, waiting to go on. I was waiting to kiss Emily before I went on. But I couldn’t find her anywhere. And neither could anyone else. It’s like she’d ran away. Oh no… I hope she hasn’t.

‘Tom. I’m worried. I can’t find her. I’ve looked everywhere.’

‘Bill. She’ll be around. God I don’t know why you’re fusing so much.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘She’s nothing special.’

‘Well she was before me and her got together. Why the sudden change of mind?’

‘Just. Oh there isn’t. I don’t hate her. I really like her still. But, you always come to me when you want to find her, or to talk about her and stuff. And it just makes me feel bad that my twins is with the girl I like. I mean if I’d have asked her out and she’d have said yes to me wouldn’t you feel the same way?’

‘I, I guess. I’m sorry I don’t think…’

‘I know you don’t.’

With that he just walked away form me and sat on the sofa.

‘Kate have you seen Emily anywhere?‘

‘No. I’d have thought you’d have her close. You know. With all the fan girls and stuff.‘

‘But they don’t know about us.‘

‘Oh yeah. Well anyway…no I haven’t. no one has.‘

We had a 5 minute call before we went on and I still couldn’t find Emily. I looked around panicking. Where could she have gone? Had she been kidnapped? Did she not like me anymore? Was she lost? Was she alone? Was she hurt? There were so many questions spinning around in my head I didn’t even notice the support come off stage.

‘Come on Bill! We’ve got to go!’


‘We’ll see her after!’

I trudged on stage. But as soon as the lights went up I turned on my happy face for the fans. I couldn’t let them know there was something wrong could I? We powered through Schrei, Nach Dir Kommt Nichts and Ubers Ende der Welt. But there was still no sign of her at the side of the stage with the other girls. But it was then I saw someone else. Someone I hate with a passion.

♠ ♠ ♠
no emily.......
sarah's in a mood with me.........