Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Floor Trouble

Bill’s POV

I was fuming about Cinema Bizarre turning up. And then telling us they’re the new support act. The manager said we were having a new one. But they didn’t say it would be them. Though; they did seem a little hesitant to tell us we were changing. But that has completely ruined my mood…

‘Come on lets go.’

‘Do you mind if we join you? As a support act, I suppose you may as well be nice to us. Or, we could just completely ruin the tour…’

‘Fine, whatever…’

‘But me and Bill or just going somewhere private a minute. I need to talk with him.’

Emily took his hand pulling me aside. I thought she was going to stop but she just kept walking and walking. She was taking me back to the hotel. We were headed for the elevator, however; she pressed the 18th floor button. Our rooms were on the 14th floor.

‘Emily that’s the wrong floor.’

‘No it’s not.’

‘Yes it is. We’re on the…’

‘18th floor. I thought maybe we could have some… alone time.’

‘But I’m dripping with sweat and I need a shower and, oh… alone time.’

‘I don’t dress like this for nothing you know!’

‘So this is like, special then?’

‘You can be more dumb than I thought…’

‘Please don’t leave me?’

‘Bill, I’m not going to leave you. Where did you get that idea from?’

‘You just sai…’

‘Shut up.’

She pressed her lips onto mine to make me shut up. I blab way too much. I see what Tom means when he says I never shut up. There was a small ‘ding’ as we reached our floor. She lead me down a corridor much more impressive than ours. I guess the rooms were more expensive and more posh as you went up the floors.

‘How much longer do we have to walk?’

‘If you keep talking you’ll ruin my mood. Which was ruined earlier… but you’ll make it worse. So just… shh.’

‘Oh well that’s nice.’

She opened the door to a heavily decorated suite. But I think I could just faint right now. There were rose petals everywhere, and champagne and…and candles and joss sticks. Now I know where she had been for so long.

‘So, what do you think?’

‘I think it’s gorgeous. Almost, in fact… as beautiful as a certain someone.’

She just giggled and shut the door. It was so romantic. I was kind of speechless. Which I have to say is almost a first for me. Taking my hand again, interlocking our fingers she lead me into another room. There were candles on tables all around the outskirts by the walls and rose petals spread everywhere.

‘Rose Mr. Kaulitz?’

‘Oh why thank you.’
♠ ♠ ♠
i'm going to updated imediatly after this one!!
cuz it makes no sence without it!!