Fur Immer Heilig Sein

*** and Tell

Kate’s POV

I woke up groggily and slumped across to the couch. We’re moving on again today. I searched all the bedrooms and both suites looking for Emily and Bill. But no one had seen them. I even resorted to asking Strify if he’d seen them. But since last night after Emily dragged Bill away they seemed to have completely disappeared.

‘Tom you seen Bill and Emily?’

‘No, but they better get their asses here soon because we’re leaving in an hour, and neither of them has packed.’

‘I know. That’s why I’m trying to find them.’

All of sudden the suite door swung round and through it came the lost couple. They seemed very sheepish about something. Bill was whispering things in Emily’s ear.

‘So, where have you two been all night?’

‘In bed silly.’ Emily said like there was no other possible option. ‘I’ll be back. I need to pack! Oh… that rhymed!’

She wondered off leaving me with Tom and Bill.

‘So how was she?’ Tom questioned.

‘I don’t know what you’re on about.’

‘Oh come on. It’s so obvious. You fucked last night. You always have a permanent smile on your face and you actually shut up when you have.’

‘Don’t be stupid.’ Tom just rose an eyebrow at the response he got.

‘I don’t fuck and tell.’

‘Bill swore! Bill swore! I’m telling!’ I jumped up and down. I don’t remember hearing him ever swear before. I don’t think…

‘Ok; she was absolutely amazing.’

‘Tell all!’ Tom got all interested and excited.

‘Well she had the other hotel room all set up and stuff. There were roses and joss sticks and champagne and… and…’

‘Oh, well you can guess who got drunk first.’

‘Shut up. I’m telling a story. Anyway; we went into this bedroom and, and there were candles. And then I had her zip and…’

‘And hello! Girl here! I don’t want to listen to this! I thought you said you didn’t fuck and tell!’

‘I haven’t told yet.’

‘Ignore her carry on.’ Tom spat out.

‘You’re overly enthusiastic about hearing this. I’m not sure I should say…’

‘I’m your twin. I have the right.’

‘I don’t think that’s right either…’

‘What you lot talking about?’ Emily walked over with her suitcase

‘Come we’d better go.’
♠ ♠ ♠
how very DARE Bill nearly tell brother Tom!
how dare Tom ask that of brother Bill!!