Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Twin Opposition

Sarah’s POV

We were on the bus after leaving the hotel. We had Cinema Bizarre’s bus following us as well. I could see that there were going to be problems with them being on tour with Tokio Hotel. But all that put aside we were still here to have fun.

‘Come on, lets play a game.’

‘Like what?’

‘I dunno, what do we have on the Wii?’

‘Let’s play Wii Sports! Baseball! We can have teams!’

‘Ok but we’ll have to take it in turns. You can only have four players at a time.’

‘I don’t want to play baseball. How about, tennis!’ Bill whined.

‘Yeah! We can beat each other up by hitting them with balls! Virtually!’

‘Ok then! Who’s going first?’

‘I say the twins.’

‘Well ok. Tell you what. It’s our birthday day next week. Whoever wins gets to blow out the candles! And doesn’t have to pay for the party!’ Bill got all jumpy at the idea.

‘You’re on!’ Tom said almost threateningly.

Both being good at table tennis it was about an hour before they got to Deuce. They were getting no where because none of them were missing and it got almost boring watching them. Advantages were being tossed from one the other.

‘Ok next one to win gets umm… Emily!’

‘That’s prostitution! And it’s not happening!’

‘Ok then, they get Sarah!’ Rhi input. I stood and shook my head violently.

‘People think of something none sexual. Otherwise Tom’ll have an orgasm just standing here.’ Gustav joked.

‘Shut up you’ll throw me off course!’

‘Ok so, whoever wins gets to blow out the candles, doesn’t pay anything towards the party and… umm…’

‘Has to go on the Cinema Bizarre bus for a week if you loose!’ Kate came up with some pretty weird, but sometimes good idea’s.

‘I’m am soooooo going to win this now!’ Tom screamed.

Everything suddenly got exciting as people were shouting random things and cheering for one or the other. Bill nearly missed as his character leaped across the court to hit the ball back over to his identical opposition. Tom flew over the table, I literally mean Tom, not his character, thinking that if he went so would his little cartoon figure. Though he managed to get back in time to hit the next ball. They were both really getting into it now that the steaks were a lot higher as no one particularly wanted to share a bus with the other band. Bill was still hyped up form last night with Emily and Tom was just well, overly enthusiastic.

‘Come on!’

‘Win! Win! Win!’

Were among cheers being screamed down everyone’s ears. The driver must be wondering what the hell was going on. With one hard hit ball flying across the court it was finally a win for one of the boys.

‘Hell yeah! In you’re face!’

‘This face is your face so shut up you.’ Tom threw back. I have to admit, he had a pretty good point.

‘We’d better ring Strify and tell him the good news!’ Georg laughed.
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yeah...i came home a day early?
but you didn't miss though huh...?

sorry, i'm going through a ruff at the moment, i by that i mean on the verge of a major depressing breakdown.

but my writing should still be the same... i have a story in which to write to depressing things already, so i won't need to include them in this one.