Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Guilt Trips

Tom’s POV

Ok so I’m now not blowing any candles, not that a-soon-to-be-18-year-old wants to anyway, I’m paying full expenses for the party then on top of all that I have to spend a hell sent week with our unwanted support band. It was just getting worse and worse. I sat with Georg. We were the only ones up on the bunks. I could hear everyone else downstairs laughing down the phone which was on speaker.

‘Don’t feel so bad Tom. It could be worse.’

‘How exactly?’ were the only words I could muster.

‘We could all hate you. You could be ill or dieing or something.’

‘I’m pretty sure Emily does hate me.’

‘She doesn’t hate you. But you were a little out of hand back at the hotel. And she likes you. Even if she still doesn’t she did. Sarah let slip when we first met them. When we were at that bus park.’

‘I know anyway. She told me the other night.’


‘I said she could go with Bill and didn’t have to worry about me.’

‘Well what are you moaning about then? It’s your fault. You gave her away.’

‘Well I was kinda hoping she would feel guilty and go with me.’

‘And was she?’

‘Well yeah, at first. But then I went and convinced her that it was fine. She said I was really sweet. And well, I couldn’t exactly go and take it back could I? ‘Yeah what I just said forget about it. You can’t go with Bill you’ve got to with me.’ ‘Cuz that just sounds real great.’

‘I see your point. But now she is with Bill why are you being like this with her?’

‘I want her for my own.’

‘You sound a little murderous to be honest.’

‘See! I don’t mean to be violent or seem it. I can’t help it, it’s just a reaction. And every time I’m horrible to her I always get sent on this guilt trip.’

‘Because you need to feel guilty. It’s not right Tom. I know you know that. You’ve just got to try and be nice to her. Be sweet. Girls prefer that. Why do you think she likes Bill?’

‘Ok so, what do I do?’

‘You mean you want lessons on how to be sweet to a girl?’

‘Well, if you think it’ll help.’

‘Tom I’m not having any part in this. It’s not fair on Bill.’

‘Oh come on. No one’ll get hurt. And it may help in future if Emily does stay with Bill.’

‘Well I… fine. But she likes romantic things as well. Not just sweet things.’

‘How do you know?’

‘I know it seems as though she’s just with Bill all the time but she’s not. She does talk to me and Gustav sometimes you know.’

‘Ok so what first?’

‘Well I don’t know umm… just little things like, holding doors open for her, offering her a drink. Go talk to her if she looks a little lonely. I dunno.’

‘Well if you’re the one teaching me, I’d appreciate it if you did know.’

‘Well lets just start with that kinda stuff.’
♠ ♠ ♠
i have started to write down ideas people have given me on things they want to see in the story...
not major things...
for example... i know Breathy won't mind me telling you hers...
she wants Sarah to push Tom off the tour bus table...

if you guys have any ideas and stuff...
message me or leave a comment!!!
thank you much love!!