Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Magazine Shades

Emily’s POV

‘Ok, I have’t spoken to you lot in a while. We should do something together. I’ve been neglecting you guys.’ I announced. Bill looked as though he was taking the blame.

‘Well, yeah just a little. So what do you want to do?’

‘Guys and gals, we’re stopping in about 10 minutes in a town centre if you feel like going shopping.’ Terry’s voice sounded from the front of the bus.

‘Shopping! Oh my God wow!’ Bill seemed more excited about shopping than beating Tom earlier.

‘Yeah, Bill I’m gonna stick with the girls today. You know spend some time with them, it’s only fair. They’re my friends.’

‘Can’t we all go together?’

I looked over to Gustav for help. I needed to buy the twins presents, we all did. Gustav, thankfully, was smart enough to pick up on the hint.

‘Nah come on Bill, you’ve been with her most of the time. Let the girls have her for once.’

‘I feel like a child’s toy. ‘It’s my turn, no! It’s my turn!’’

‘Come on guys, lets go.’ Georg said coming down the stairs followed by Tom.

I was still quite wary of him after the incident in the hotel room. It was such a contrast to when we were talking in bed I was shocked. I liked him still of course, but I couldn’t do anything about that. He was beginning to scare me. It reminded me of a book I read once. ‘Piece of my Heart’ by Peter Robinson. Where McGarrity freaked out Yvonne. It was like that back in the hotel room. I felt threatened in a way. I knew I was safe with him, he wouldn’t hurt me, but there was nothing to stop me feeling out of place in any way. There wasn’t much I could do to keep away from him, being Bill’s twin and guitarist for the band he was permanently around. If I was to get away it would be me who would find myself leaving.

‘Ok so the girls are together, then the twins and me and Georg will go off by ourselves.’

‘Why are we left by ourselves?’ Bill whinged.

‘Because I say so now come on we need to go.’

We all got off the bus but Tom held back to let me pass down the stairs and through the door first. He got pulled away by Bill instantly who had spotted a Topman. Gustav and Georg wandered down a busy road; while we were left to walk down a over-crowded cobbled street. We heard loud screams from the direction Bill had dragged Tom with him. we didn’t think it would take long for a fan to spot them.

‘Oh my Lord Jesus! Can I have your autograph? Please?! Oh my God. My friends will never believe me!’

To my surprise there was a girl almost on her hands and knees begging for my autograph. She seemed really anxious and afraid that I would turn her down. I looked to Kate who seemed just as puzzled as I was. Rhi and Sarah just shrugged at me.

‘But, why do you want my autograph? Tokio Hotel are wandering about the streets, and you’re asking me, some randomer for an autograph?’

‘But you’re not a randomer.’

‘Urh… guys. I think you should take a look at this.’

‘What is it?’

Kate was holding up a Music Magazine. The headline read ‘Ready, Set, Kiss!’ at first I was confused as to what it was I was supposed to be looking at. Until she flicked it open to the middle pages, where there were pictures of the hotel balcony with Bill and me plastered everywhere. So that’s what the noises were!

‘Eww… what were you two doing in public?!’

Sarah was pointing at the one where Bill let his hand lift my top a little. But I didn’t know he’d raised it enough so you could see the fastening on my bra! I felt myself face turn instantly red and a wave of hear rushed through my body. I turned to face the girl who was still stood there pen and paper in hand.

‘Ok here, I’ll sign it. But kid, don’t tell anyone.’

She skipped away and I was sure I heard her give a small squeak of excitement as she turned. I looked at the others.

‘You have got to be more careful.’

‘Well I did tell him not to pull at my top. I’m sorry guys I didn’t… that’s just ruined the day a little. I’m sure there’ll be more who come asking me.’

‘No they won’t. I have a plan.’


‘Come with us.’

Kate, Sarah and Rhi all took my arms and pulled me quickly into a shop full of hats and glasses.

‘Oh how original.’

‘Well do you have a better idea?’


‘Well then, shut up complaining.’
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