Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Teddy Detectives

Rhi’s POV

‘Ok, we need to get the guys presents. What should we get?’

‘Umm, I don’t know, I hear the boys are buying Tom a new customised guitar and Bill, well whatever £300 is in Euro’s.’

‘Well, we don’t own that much money. I know, so what do we get them?’

‘First off, are we buying separate or pairing up?’

‘Well, I suppose I should buy mine separate.’ Emily said.

‘Well, me and Kate will buy together, we usually do.’ I answered.

‘Hold on you guys, there’s Tom and Bill! Quick hide!’

'Feel like James Bond!' Sarah blurted out.

They were coming down the road toward where we were. We hid behind a wall. Emily and her hat kind of got in the way a bit. So she took it off just while we were all cramped behind this together. A lot of people gave us all strange odd looks as they passed us pressed up against the wall. The twins should walk past any minute. There was a teddy shop just round where we were hiding. We could hear them both talking as they walked.

‘Oh Bill! That one looks just like me old teddy!’

‘Tom, you should just forget it. You’ll never get it back.’

‘Well it’s Gustav’s fault. He wouldn’t let me check the hotel room.’

‘We said not to take it with you. You know you shouldn’t take anything of value into the hotels.’

‘Yes but… Bill, that was the only thing I saved from when I was a kid.’

‘Well it’s your own silly fault it’s gone. Anyway come on, I want to go find the girls, then we can follow them and see what they’re buying for us!’

‘Bill, that’s best idea you’ve in a long time!’

They walked past looking very shifty. We all looked at each other until they were out of earshot. After that we couldn’t contain ourselves we all burst out laughing. Sarah and Emily had tears forming they were laughing that hard.

‘Al-ways knew - he - he was a -big -softy.’ Emily managed between laughs.

‘I am going to give him so much shit about that later!’

‘No, no. We should keep it our secret. We haven’t had a private joke in a while.’

‘Come on, lets go browse. You’d better get that hat and those shades back on before someone else sees you.’

‘Oh hold the phone, now wait, wrong expression.’ Sarah said as she pulled her phone out of her pocket. We just stood making stupid faces trying to make her laugh while she was taking. ‘Guys! Right that was Gustav and Georg, they want to meet up and shop for presents together. I said we’ll meet them at the bus.’

‘Sounds good to me. They’ll know what the guys like as presents more than we will!’

‘Good point.’ Kate said as we headed off.
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i thought i'd put the teddy thing in...
but i hadn't...
which need to...
because it fits in with a scene i have written in the previous story that this on is based on!!

if i had put it in...
and i've just forgotten... you guys can totally send bad comments...xD