Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Gear Shopping

Georg’s POV

Me and Gustav stood by the bus waiting for the girls. I had a good idea what to get for Tom as a joke, if Gustav is willing to help.

‘Hey guys, so, you ready?’ Rhi asked.

‘Yeah, come lets go.’

‘Right I think our group is too large, the twins will spot us a mile off. We should spilt again.’ Kate reasoned.

‘But the point of meeting up with the boys was see we know what to buy for presents.’

‘Well then, me and Sarah will go with Georg, and you two can go with Gustav.’ Kate said.

‘I don’t think that’s…’ I started but was soon stopped after Kate stood on my foot. ‘That’s a brilliant idea why didn’t I think of that?’ I said through gritted teeth trying to contain the pain in my foot.

‘But Rhi can’t…’

‘We’ll see you guys in two hours back here? Have a nice time! Byebye!’

Kate dragged us all away leaving the other lost for words. What on earth she was thinking leaving Rhi and Gustav together god knows. Emily’s head will hurt from all their petty disagreements.

‘You know you shouldn’t leave those two together.’ Sarah said, which were my thoughts exactly.

‘Yes but we need to do some shopping.’

‘So do the others?’

‘Yes but we need to. Remember. The plan? Don’t tell me you guys have forgotten?’

‘Wha…? Ooohhhhh… that plan!’ Sarah squeaked.

I personally still had no idea what the hell they were going on about. I mean, oh wait! Yes I do! I do know what they’re talking about! How could I nearly forget?!

‘So where are we gonna go for all the gear then?’

‘I dunno, small corner shop should sell some. They always seem the best places for this kinda stuff.’

‘Yeah, and I doubt anyone will see us in there buying it.’

‘Ok then, we’ll buy it then get straight back to the bus and hide it. They cannot know we’ve got it!’ Kate was creating a plan as we headed to a secluded part of the city.

‘Do you think it’ll be expensive?’

‘Sarah, this stuff does not come cheap! If we want a real good high time we need a lot of this stuff. Come on why you having doubts?’

‘What if they find it all?’

‘They won’t, I hide loads all the time without then knowing.’ I said, remembering all the times I’d snuck on the bus and had a quick one.

‘Well come on. Lets go before the twins find us. They said if they found any of us girls they were going to follow us.’
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naughty naughty...
i wonder what it could POSSIBLY be that they are shopping for!