Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Messy Helpers

Bill’s POV

‘Oh you guys are here already?’ Tom asked as we got on the bus. Georg, Sarah and Kate were all sat around. The all looked pretty sheepish about something.

‘Yeah, well urh… we finished shopping so we urm… we came back here.’ Kate stuttered.

‘Ok. Well we just saw the others they were coming out of a Boots apparently Rhi needed some new mascara.’ I said.

‘I reckon they were lying you know. I bet you’ve got Emily pregnant and she’s in there for tests. Haven’t you? Haven’t you?!’ Sarah piped out backing me up to a wall. As an instant reaction I held my hands up to show innocence.

‘I haven’t done anything! I swear!’

‘And do you know?’ Kate joined Sarah. I could see Tom laughing behind them. Georg was on the phone.

‘Because I… because she…’

‘So you don’t know!’

‘If you girls are so insistent it’s her time of the month. Ok?’

‘Why the hell would she tell you that?’

‘Because! Hello! Sex! Not having it… while she on!’

‘Well, you know… you could but… it’s be a bit messy…’ Tom laughed behind the girls who just shuddered at the images he’d given them.

‘Tom, just shut up you.’

‘Well I’m just saying… Hey Emily. You ok?’ he said as she came through the door laden down with bags.

‘Yeah thanks Tom. You alright?’

‘Yeah, come here let me help you with some of the bags.’ He took the majority and lead her up stairs to put them away. I just stared at him while he went up with her. Why didn’t I think to help her?

‘Sarah do you ever think you’re best friend’s better than you are?’

‘Well, only at something’s. But then again, everyone thinks someone else is better at least one thing. Why what’s bothering you?’

‘Nothing. Nothing, I’m fine just wondering really. And yeah, you’re right. Everyone thinks that at some point right?’

‘Bill if this is about Tom I…’

‘No, no. I’ll back in a minute, going to go say hello to Emily, properly.’

I ran upstairs where I found Tom and Emily sat at the table playing cards. The bags were just laid on the bed, which they were still sharing. They didn’t even noticed I’d come up the stairs.

‘Hey Emily did you have a nice time out in town?’

‘Yeah, well. Kind of. I had Rhi and Gustav bickering the whole way but I guess that’s just them. How about you? Did you two do anything interesting?’

‘Not really. It was a bit boring really, it would have been a bit better with some female company.’ Tom said flashing a smile at her.

‘Emily we’re umm stopped here tonight. I saw a cinema in town, do you wanna go watch a movie tonight?’ I wanted some time with her by myself after today.

‘Yeah, but… just me and you mind. I’ve missed you today!’ she turned and made kissy faces at me to which I willingly obliged.
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i had fun writing the first part of this chapter!!
i thought it was kinda funny in weird sort of way...