Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Stripes and Lights

Tom’s POV

I was laying in my new temporary bed with the curtain drawn across. There was no way I was going to sat and talk with that lot. Calling Georg a moody transvestite, they should look in the mirrors! That’s if they can look in at least one without breaking it.

‘Tom! Get down here we’re eating!’ Strify shouted up.

‘I’m not eating with you lot! I might just not eat for the weekend!’

‘Whatever. Why so shy? Or are you in a mood because you’re not with your friends?’ he taunted.

‘Or maybe, he’s all upset because Emily choose Bill over him.’ Luminor said coming up the stairs.

‘Am not.’

‘We’re not stupid. Just because we don’t talk doesn’t mean we don’t notice these things. I know we may hate each other, but we can’t help but see that there’s one girl, and two twins.’ He said pulling back the curtain and sitting on the end of the bed. I didn’t look at either of them, I just stared at my hands while I messed with my fingers.

‘And?’ was all I could come out with.

‘She likes you still you know. It’s obvious, she can’t keep her eyes off you. Even when she’s with Bill she’s always looking your way or mentions you.’

‘How do you know? We don’t talk.’

‘But we’re still in the same backstage area as the rest of you. We can still snoop around.’ Strify laughed to himself.

‘So now you’ve been perving on Emily? Get the fuck out of my face now! Both of you! And don’t talk to me again. You’re just trying to turn me so I like you guys. Well you can fuck off, I’m not having it.’ I layed back down and folded my arms like some six-year-old. I know it was a childish thing to do, but hey, I’m childish.

[Next Morning]

I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes. I forgot to close the curtain again last night. I sat up to see Cinema Bizarre had dispersed downstairs so I decided it was safe to change without going into the bathroom. I dressed and took a fleeting glance in the mirror to make sure I’d got all my dreads in my hat. But holy Jesus flaps! What the hell have they done to my face?!

Strify! Get your ass here now you stupid little fuck ass!’

‘Now, now Tom calm down. I can’t see anything wrong with you. In fact, I think you look 10 times better!’

‘What have you done to my face?!’

‘Adjusted it.’

‘By plastering it in make-up?!’

‘Well, I figured. Bill looks good in it, so why wouldn’t his identical twin? Well I had to test it out didn’t i?’

‘Get it off me now! I’m being serious!’

‘Oh, would you look at that! I’ve just used the last one last night. I’ll have to buy some more today. I guess you’ll just have to wait.’ He said like some sort of 15-year-old teenage prep girl. ‘Or, I suppose you could ask one of the girl if they’ve got any?’

‘I hate you guys even more than before,’ they were laughing behind him ‘if that’s possible.’
♠ ♠ ♠
how very dare they!
thank you to music_is_life1 for the make-up idea!!
ok guys... i have one idea left from you readers!
if you have anymore get messaging!!