Fur Immer Heilig Sein

PG 13

Emily’s POV

‘Hey, how’s my precious little hedgehog?’

‘You know I don’t like it when you call me that.’ Bill whined at me.

‘I know, but it’s funny. So what we doing today? You guys got a gig right?’

‘Yeah, I was thinking, why don’t you watch from the side of the stage tonight? Rather than from the floor?’

‘Why what are you planning?’

‘Me? Why nothing, I jus…’

‘Bill, I’ve seen that look in your eye before. You’ve got something going on and I want to know what. So spill.’

‘Well, I was kinda gonna ask you girls to come onto the stage.’

‘What?! You can’t to that. We’ll get torn to shreds afterwards.’

‘And we don’t?’ he laughed.

‘You know what I mean… Sarah and Kate have been whispering a lot lately, especially to Georg. Then disappearing upstairs with him and stuff, what do you think’s going on?’

‘I don’t know, maybe we’ll find out soon huh?’

‘Yeah hopefully.’

‘But,’ he said, ‘in the mean time. I guess we could always kill the hours by having a little …’

‘Ok, I know. But not all the way becau…’

‘I know, I know.’

I lay on my back and let him roll onto me. I felt him collapse onto me as we kissed. I ran my fingers through his hair and…’

‘Guys! Guys! you’ve got to see this! Come see! Come see!’ Rhi ran up the stairs shouting. ‘Ewww… PG 13, PG 13!’

‘Rhi, you’re 16.’

‘I know but still… PH 13!’

I signed into Bill then looked up at her. ‘What is it Rhi?’

‘It’s Tom! Come see!’ she ran back downstairs laughing as loud as she possibly could.

I looked at Bill and he gave me puppy dog eyes. It was cute, but it doesn’t work on me… well ok. Sometimes it does but I want to see what’s so funny! I ran my finger down his forehead then his nose followed by a soft kiss.

‘Come on. We’ll finish this later.’
♠ ♠ ♠
ok i just have to put in one idea left now!!!

message me if you have any more requests...
or places you want them to play a show at
or well anything really!!!
minor things thought still like before... or you can send me big idea, i'll see if they work or not then we'll see!!!