Fur Immer Heilig Sein

A Proper Proposition

Kate’s POV

‘That is class! Well done, well done.’ I sat laughing away clapping.

Emily and Bill came down the stairs, took one look then burst out laughing. Well, Emily kind of giggled then tried to hide it. But Bill, I think he must have a bust a gut from how hard he was laughing. Tears formed in his eyes from it. Tom just stared at the floor. I’d say I felt sorry for him but; in my opinion, he’s a total arse-hole so I think I’ll just keep laughing.

‘Come on guys stop now. It’s not that funny.’ Emily said walking over to him.

‘Whatever. Look at him! Tom is wearing make-up!’ Bill piped pointing.

‘You you aren’t? just leave him alone it’s really not that amusing.’ she sounded annoyed at Bill. She lead Tom upstairs almost pushing Bill over on the way. He stared around at her then looked as if he was about to apologise but she was gone before he got chance.

‘Did I just blow it?’ he wondered miserably setting himself down on the couch.

‘Well I’d say, no. so long as you can make it up to her somehow.’ Sarah advised.

‘But what? Maybe… maybe I should propose? Like tonight! On stage! in front of all those fans!’ he bounced around excitedly.

‘Propose? prop-freakin’-pose?! are you mentally frustrated?!’ I spluttered.

‘Bill dude. Think about this. You’re 18 and like, we haven’t even known the girls that long.’ Georg said.

‘What’s you’re point?’

‘That you need to think seriously about this. Like how it could change things in the band and your life and everything dude!’

‘Well, fine. I’ll think about it. Shouldn’t we go see where we’re playing?’

‘Yeah come on. Emily, Tom! We’re going to go find the arena! You guys coming?!’ Rhi shouted up.

‘No! I’m still trying to get this off his face! We’ll meet you there!’ We heard Emily’s muffled shouts. And Tom occasionally going ‘ouch.’
♠ ♠ ♠
oh meinen god....

comments and thoughts...
should he or shouldn't he?!