Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Cranberry Dresses

Tom’s POV

I sat on the bed feeling foolish with make-up all over my face. It’s strange Bill’s my twin, he is the most important part of my life and I love him to pieces but; I didn’t feel an ounce of remorse when Emily push him aside.

‘What did they use?! It’s like they glued it on!’ she said while rubbing at my black eyes.

‘I don’t know. I just woke up and it was there.’

‘Well, that was kinda mean. but you’ll laugh later.’

‘That’s not what you said downstairs when everyone was laughing at me.’

‘Well it did get a bit too much there. But you know what I mean…’ she said.

‘Ouch! What it woman! These dreads are precious!’ I yelled feeling a sharp pain in my head.

‘Oh dear.’ she said biting her lip.

‘What? What did they do?! What’s happened!’

‘Nothing! Nothing I swear urm… it’s fine I…’

I yelp in pain as another pain shot through my skull. ‘What the fuck?!’

‘We have a problem.’

‘What did you do?’

‘Umm, well. I’m kinda stuck.’

‘What do you mean, stuck?’ If I was gay this would sound wrong…

‘Well, my charm bracelet, it’s caught! I can’t get it off!’

‘Why not?!’

‘I need two hands! And one of them is attached to you!’ she squeaked. She was cute when she was freaking out.

‘And if it wasn’t?’

‘Then we wouldn’t be in this mess at all would we?’

‘What are we supposed to do?’ I asked her. Well I was no good at thinking of these things.

‘Let my finish cleaning your face with one hand then we’ll have to walk to the arena like this.’

‘With your arm hanging off my dreads?’ I panicked.

‘Well, I guess I’ll just have to put my arm on your back. Or shoulder or something.’

‘But it’ll look weird.’

‘Put your arm round my waist then! Make it look less weird and more casual!’ She answered smiling.

‘But what about Bill when he sees us?’

‘Maybe he won’t. But we’ll just explain, he’ll understand.’ Emily winked at me and flashed a smile. I leaned across to get my drink forgetting Emily was connected to me so she jolted and nearly fell. I managed to catch her… after I through my drink in the air and it landed all over her. It was cranberry so it showed up pretty badly on her white top. ‘Tom! Now what?!’

‘I don’t know I’m sorry!’ Though through the well of serenity I was secretly laughing in my head.

‘I’m just going to have to cut it off. Or you will. I didn’t like this top much anyway.’

‘You want me do to what?’

‘Cut my top of me.’ I sat and stared at her like she was crazy. She handed me some scissors. ‘Just do it.’

I turned to face her and ended up getting pretty close. I cut downwards to her her stomach and cut her strap off. It fell down around her feet leaving her in her bra. Which also had a red stain on it.

‘Oh for flipping heck’s sake! Now I need to change this!’ I just give her wide eyes and she gave me an ‘oh shut up’ expression. ‘Just… oh this is my good bra! And I need to cut the strap off! Oh, my, God what will I do?’

‘You mean you’re actually going to cut your bra off, when I’m this close?’

‘Well it’s beginning to itch so yes. Just do it. But look away! And hurry! I need to get detached!’

I turned my head away and with her free hand she guided mine to her shoulder strap which I cut. She took the scissors from me and I found my way round to the clasp to undo. I heard it thud to the floor as she reached for a strapless one to put on. I kept staring out of the window. ‘Ok give me that dress there.’

‘Which one?’

‘The shorter black one. It’s got no sleeves but to ties behind my head if you could please tie it for me please.’

I helped her pull it up and tie the knot behind her neck. Then I had to take her trousers off her which she was wearing when she head her t-shirt on. We both headed downstairs with great difficulty. They’re only narrow. I slipped my arm around her waist and we headed to the arena.

‘I am never getting dressed like that again!’

‘To be honest, I don’t blame you.’

‘Well, yeah.’ we arrived at the arena and Bill spotted us. His eyes looked glazed over and as if they were about to spill over any minute. The others all spun round when they saw him staring at something, something being me and Emily.

‘What the hell are you doing?’ Kate said through gritted teeth looking at Emily.

‘Well I can explain. If you just take a quick look at my left wrist and what it’s attached to, you’ll see what I mean.’

She went behind me and saw something that made her gasp. She called the others over and they all bit their lips.

‘Oh God, how bad is it?’ I asked worryingly.

‘Very. Let me see if I can undo it.’ Kate offered.

Bill came over and hugged Emily in a weird way almost elbowing me in the face. ‘I thought you’d left me for Tom.’ I looked round to Emily because she didn’t reply. She just closed her eyes and hugged him tighter.

‘Ok, my verdict is that…’ Kate started...
♠ ♠ ♠
i added this chapter...
then deleted it because i wanted to make it longer!
now... i've added it again!
