Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Bloody ***s

Tom’s POV

‘My verdict is that, we’re just going to have to cut it…’

The dreaded words I was trying to force myself not to hear! My dreads… my precious dreads! I cut them, she’ll just have to break the bracelet or stay there. I prefer the second…

‘Can’t you just the bracelet?’ I asked reiterating my thought flow…

‘Excuse me? I had this for my baptism! It’s just out of the question.’ she said trying to fold her arms, but only remembered I was linked to one when I squealed in pain after my head being dragged away from my body.

‘Fuck! What the fucking hell was that fucking for? Fuck!’ I yelled gaining a few odd looks from security.

‘Get me some scissors someone!’ Kate yelled out.

‘Fuck you! Fuck that fucking hurt! Fucking hell! What the fuck?! Get those fucking scissors away from my fucking head! Jesus fucking Christ!’ I exclaimed.

‘Dude you have serious swearing problems…’ Rhi muttered.

‘Fuck no! Why the fuck would you fucking say that? Oh right… yeah.’ I realised as he spoke. ‘I’m sorry! It was just painful!’

‘Come on lets just…’ Emily started.

‘No! no you shall not cut my dreads. I will no let you!’ I said beginning to struggle.

‘Just hold, still!’ Georg said pinning me against the wall.

‘Hey! My whole body!’ he managed to pin Emily behind me.

‘Guys I think we just all need to calm down.’ Sarah said calmly.

‘Easy for you to say. You’re not trapped behind a Tom Kaulitz!’

‘But you like it though.’ Gustav joked.

‘You mean you do when you’re bumming him. Just get me out of here.’

‘We will, when you’re detached.’

‘Umm guys…’ Bill said tapping Sarah on the shoulder.

‘Urhh… yeah.’

‘Guys, they’re taking photo’s. they’re taking photo’s of that! And it looks wrong from here!’ Bill shouted. ‘Tom! Get off my girlfriend!’

‘Bill, stay calm, if you start shouting at Tom they’ll think that something is going on!’

‘I don’t care give me those scissors!’ I grabbed at them from Kate and my arm flew back I heard a scream from Emily as I made contact with her nose. I seem to keep giving her nose bleeds. I felt the scissors halted jabbing into something as I heard another loud scream from Emily I preyed to God that I hadn’t stabbed her. I looked at Bill fear spread across my face. His eyes were as wide as the sun. he ran to us and pulled me away from the wall. I prepared myself for pain in my head from the caught dread. But it didn’t come. I just fell to the floor.

‘Are you ok? He didn’t hurt you…?’ he panicked and fussed over the blood.

‘No, no. I’m covered in blood but he didn’t hurt me.’ she joked. A smile illuminated from his features as she laughed. ‘At least I’ve been parted from twin idiot over there. No worries Tom.’ she gave me a bloody thumbs up.

‘Here let me help you it’s my fault I…’

‘No! I will help her. I’m her boyfriend. I mean, it’s my job isn’t it after all?’ Bill said smuggly holding around the waist. It was then I heard evil sniggers from behind us. Strify. Can he ever leave us in peace? He was accompanied by a beautiful young girl with short brown hair which was messed up a little.

‘Well, well. If they’re not being jealous they’re beating up girls? What kind of boys would do that?’ he sniggered.

‘Boys? Boys…?’ I said through gritted teeth.

‘If I remember, you’re 18th isn’t until Tuesday. So yes, boys.’

‘Oh my! What’s happened? Are you ok?’ the girl said hunching over Emily who’se nose was still spewing out blood.

‘Yes, yes fine. Thank you. You are…?’

‘Oh yes sorry. Karlee. I’m Strify’s girlfriend.’ she said sweetly. She didn’t seem at all like her other half. He was bitchy and mean where as she was kind and actually care that someone was covered in blood.

‘Why are you being nice to them?’ Strify spat out.

‘Because, they haven’t don anything wrong. And would you just look this girl nose is pouring and you’re just making smug remarks. I don’t even know how you guys all began to hate each other in the fist place. Come on, let’s go get you cleaned up.’
♠ ♠ ♠
woo Karlee!
i couldn't decided between girlfriend or fiance... i hope you don't mind what i choose... it could progress i suppose!!

comments guys please??!!!