Fur Immer Heilig Sein

You Guys Must Read This or Be subject to an Unwant

Ok guys! I know I've been saying this a lot in the last few chapters but I have reached the point at which i must, must, must know if you readers would like him to or not to propose... If you want your opinion to be private then private message me that's fine. It's always nice to get a message! Otherwise you can just leave it on the comments page like you have been doing.

Thank you to the readers who have been commenting! It would be very nice to see other commenters too. I will carry on with the story regardless because I love it and this will be a continuous story so there is no ending! And no messing about with sequels because let's face it, it's all one thing anyway so where is the point in splitting it up?

So just so you know i have most of the chapter written up! but i cannot update until I have say, at least 4 or 5 people say whether or not. But with 19 subscribers I'd hopefully, I love to see more!

Thank you guys for reading!
Peace Out!...

Nah, that was cheesy.. Byebye!