Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Flood Masks

Kate’s POV

‘Ok, these are our girls. They’ve become our best friends. And we all thought you guys should get to meet them because they’re awesome. They’re fun loving and just love to live life and get on. So our next song is an older one that we haven’t played live for a little while. But our friends mean a lot to us and hope we can stay friends through anything and everything!’ Bill shouted.

They kick started Freunde Bleiben. What we were supposed to do while the played we had no idea. Sarah and Emily ran off. I went to follow them, but that was before I saw them come back plugging leads into the instruments and clipping the packs onto the trouser belts. They picked up on the chorus while me and Rhi just stood there looking like loners and out of place.

Just then I saw from the corner of my eye that girls had managed to break past the bars and through security. They were climbing. Though the boys carried on playing regardless. But it got to much when they started grabbing at them. But I got scared when they started pulling at Emily and Bill carrying away from each other. They reached out for each other but the stage became flooded. Me and Rhi started getting mauled as well just for knowing them. I heard a scream echo from the speakers it was Emily. But then I noticed something as I managed to catch a quick glimpse of Tom through the sea of fans girls. His clothes were being ripped off by them.

‘Hilf! Bitte! Bill!’ I heard Emily screaming as she clenched the microphone before I lost sight of her as she was dragged to the floor. Or, she might have been pushed to sit on the drum raise. I couldn’t really tell.

‘Can we have your autographs?!’ They were shouting. But they were just shouting it at the boys, they were asking us as well!

‘Is that all you want?’ Me and Rhi asked at the same time. They just screamed back at us. ‘Well if you calm down and form an orderly queue we might think about it!’ I shouted into a mic I’d managed to get hold of somehow. The screams quietened down around us as they all pushed into lines. This gig has suddenly just turned into a signing. However on the opposite side of the stage Emily was still swallowed, Bill was fighting his way through the crowds to her, Gustav had resorted to standing on his drum kit and Georg was well… he’d taken off out the back door to the stage.

Tom however, was being quickly stripped down by the girls as he too tried to fight his way through the crowds. Though I expect he was trying to get to Gustav to stand on the drums with him.

‘Can you sign my shirt here please? To Annya.’ One girl asked stepping forward.

‘This is nice but, why do you guys want our signatures?’ I asked as Bill was being crowd surfed against his will. He was trying to get them to send him in the direction of Emily which was eventually working. This was manic.

‘Cuz you guys know them. It’s cool to have your signatures as well. Let’s face it, is there really that many girls who are best friends with Tokio Hotel that get beckoned on stage by them?’ she said cocking her head to one side.

‘Well I guess not. But I still don’t understand.’

‘I can’t see, do you know where Emily is?’ She asked looking around on her tip toes.

‘See was just in front of the drum kit last time I saw her. Oh, There! You see she’s being picked up, by Bill!’ Annya ran off to catch up with them to get autographs.

‘This is getting beyond a joke.’ Rhi signed and hour later. The crowds were clearing slowly. And the place had calmed down and become a lot more organised.

Emily made her way over with Tom who was, unsurprisingly, now down to his under pants. They had to stop a couple of times for photo’s but that mad eit over eventually. And I am pleased to say Tom’s underwear are no wear near as big as his trousers ot tops. They do actually fit him.

‘Finally, clothes that aren’t 30 sizes too big for you.’ Rhi said. Does she think everything I do?

‘Shut up.’

‘What happened to Bill?’ I asked.

‘He said he had to go get something from the bus. He was jumping around about something I don’t know what. With that huge grin of his. It’s so cute…’ she stood and started to day dream about her freaky boyfriend. ‘You know what? I love Bill. I love him. Where is he? I need to tell him I love him and I want him.’

‘Want him as in sex want him?’ Tom said looking questionable.

‘No Tom want him as in, umm… I just want him cuz I love him. Hard to explain. You’ll know it one day.’ Emily said waving a hand at him.

‘That was so sweet, I can you tube that right?’ the girl, Annya said. She had been filming her saying it.

‘Are you still here? Haven’t you seen everyone yet?’ I asked.

‘Yeah, but I’m going to stay as long as possible.’


‘So I can talk to…’

‘What’s that?’ Rhi asked pointing at her neck.

‘What’s what?’ she seemed to become fidgety and hold her hands up to her neck. But Rhi was smarter than that… sometimes. She went up to her and lifted her head. She was right. There was something wrong with her neck. There was a tear in it. Rhi put her fingers underneath and lifted the mask to reveal…
♠ ♠ ♠
that's it...
i gave up...
i have SERIOUS withdrawal symptoms!
i'm just going to write whatever comes out comes out...
but if you guys do want to give an opinion then better do it quick! time is running out!
you've till Bill gets back from the bus!!

and thank you to x-vampiress-x for Tom's loosing of his clothes xD