Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Proposal Sleepers

Tom’s POV

‘What’s this?’ Emily asked. She shuffled a little bit on her feet.

‘Well, I was mean earlier. And I wanted to make it up to you.’

‘Bill I…’ She started.

‘Sarah said you love rings. I found this one and I dunno, I thought you’d like it.’

‘Bill this is…’

‘Will you marry me?’ He said lowering his voice a little.

‘Bill I…’ she stuttered.

‘I know we’re only young but…’

‘Bill I, yes. Yes!’ She leapt into his arms smiling. But, as she rested her chin on his shoulder in the hug she stared into my eyes. She bit her lip and looked at the ring on her finger. Then she just kept staring at me. Staring and staring and…

‘Tom? Tom…? He’s waking up! Guys! Come in here he’s awake!’ I heard someone shout. The voice rang through my ears and I felt a shock of pain shoot through my head.

‘Oh, man. What happened?’ I asked while sitting up. As my eyes came into focus I could see I was back in the green room. Laying on the sofa.

‘Well, we were just talking. You said ‘Come on, take a chance. Then one of the fan girls accidentally hit you over the head with their phone. You took a hell of a bump to the head.’ Emily explained.

‘So, you’re not marrying Bill?’ I asked nervously.

‘What? No I’m not marrying Bill.’

‘And you’re not going out with Shin?’ I asked looking at Sarah.

‘Hell no! Jeez Tom… what goes on in your head?’ she replied disgusted.

‘So then that means Georg not gay!’ I said delightfully.

‘Ah… not quite true.’ he said examining his shoe laces.

‘You are?!’ I exclaimed. ‘But I dreamt that after I said ‘take a chance.’

‘Well, ok. I asked you if Georg always kissed guys while you were on the floor thinking you were joking. Maybe you were a little bit conscience then.’

‘So, ok… you’re not marrying Bill, Sarah didn’t make out with Shin, but you are gay?’ I asked determined to get my facts right. They all just nodded at me. ‘So I just dreamt all of that?’

‘Pretty much yeah.’ the new girl Emi said to me.

‘What time is it?’

‘You’ve been out for around 2 hours. It’s 11:30. I went out and got you some more clothes from the bus.’ Emily offered them up to me. ‘You guys can go back to the bus now and get some sleep. I’ll stay with him and make sure he gets back.’

‘Are you sure? You can go back if you want, I can manage.’ I insisted.

‘No it’s fine, go on you guys I’ll see you in a minute.’ Bill kissed her forehead and they all headed out to the bus.
♠ ♠ ♠
bet you didn't see that one coming...
cuz i sure as hell didn't....
i was just sat here and it sudden came to me...
now everyone's happy!
he did... but he didn't propose!!

please comment on what just happened... and if you understand what happened xD