Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Happy Birthday!

Bill’s POV

Birthday day! It’s my birthday! Yay! I rolled over in my bed, my big double bed. Thank god for hotels. I was welcomed by Emily’s sweet soft face. She seemed so perfect when she was sleeping. I ran my finger down her cheek. Her eyes slowly lifted open and she looked at me.

‘Hey gorgeous.’ She kissed my nose. ‘Happy Birthday.’

‘We should wake Tom. This could take a while.’ I said huffing as I got out of bed groggily.

‘No problem. I got it all worked out!’ She ran at his bed and leapt on it. He was the only one lucky enough to get a bed to himself. She landed on him and he almost jumped into the air. ‘Wakey! Wakey! Raise and Shine! Get out of bed it’s prezzie time!’

‘I’m up! I’m up! Did you say presents?’ He said his face suddenly lighting up. She jumped down off the bed, hugged him and kissed his neck.

‘Happy Birthday!’ Then she ran at me and tackled me to the ground. She straddled me and pinned down my arms littering my face with tiny kisses.

‘Oh dude. Oh jeez… you’re in the public eye here!’ Emi said standing over us. ‘Leave those kind of Birthday presents till later!’

‘Here’s the present from the band. And Bill here’s yours as well.’ Georg said handing a huge wrapped preset to Tom and a small package to Bill.

Tom opened his first, it was a customised Gibson Les Paul. He turned it over and it said ‘Emily’ up the frets with little hearts decorating each side. It was a known fact Tom still liked her. He just sat and laughed to himself while glancing at Emily.

‘I’m definitely using this next gig.’

I opened mine next, it was a Green Day top signed by the band and €800! I jumped up and down in excitement and thanked them all.

‘Ok Tom this is from me and Rhi combined, and Bill this is yours.’ Kate handed over a little box to Tom and a round looking object to me. Hairspray!

‘Oh now way! A new guitar strap as well! What’s it say…? ‘Police line - Do Not Cross’ awesome!’ Tom exclaimed.

‘Where’d you get this from? It looks really good!’ I said about my new hairspray.

‘Well you know… Emily has like 4 other bottles of it…’ she said. Laughing a little rubbing the back of her head. Emily liked to back comb her hair sometimes; so she also needed a lot of hairspray. Sarah gave me and Tom presents from her. Straighteners! Oh wow! My old ones are getting… well, old now. Tom unwrapped his it looked like another strap. But then he held it up and let it unravel. A belt! People always think Tom appreciates more jokey presents.

‘Oh this says something too! ‘Beware the Beast.’’ He just looked down at himself and his ‘beast’.

‘Ok, mine next.’ Emily said. She gave me a small flat object. I unwrapped it, it was a book. And it was blank. ‘It’s for you to write everything in. I find it helps. And…’ she put her hands behind her neck and took off her necklace. She put it around my neck. ‘…this is for you as well.’

‘But, this is your favourite…’ I began.

‘Well, you’re my favourite too.’ She said looking over at Tom. I wonder about those two sometimes. She got up and headed over to our bed. We were presently crowded around Tom’s who was still under his covers. She lifted a largish box up from the side and came over. It was a red shiny box with a deep red ribbon with a bouncy bow on top. She sighed to herself and smiled. She handed over the box to him and he gave her a questioning glare.

‘It’s that box of air I promised you.’ She said her grin widening. He opened it cautiously obviously scared she actually was serious that it was just a box of air. Carefully removing the lid his eyes grew to a point that I was terrified they would pop out of their sockets. He dug his hands deep into the box to reveal a soft, rugged fluffy looking thing. He squeezed it tightly them held it up like a child.

‘Hello Mr Cuddles! Oh I missed you Mr Cuddles!’ He squeaked again, as a child would do. ‘How did you get him back?!’

Mr Cuddles, was his teddy he had lost while we stayed at a hotel once a few months ago. We were staying there and we were told every time we go on tour not to take valuable items into the hotels. So what does he do? He takes in Mr Cuddles then he gets left there! I always thought I’d be happy it’d gone. That was of course, until he started moaning every minute of all the time that he wanted him back it was Gustav’s fault he was gone.

‘How did you get him back?! And how did you know?!’ he said collapsing onto Emily forcing the other girls to back away not wanting to be touched by him while he was just wearing his underwear. Not that it was a foreign sight to us by now…

‘Well, long story short. We heard you to talking outside that teddy shop a few days ago when we stopped in wherever we stopped at. So I figured, I had no idea what to get you anyway… I spoke to Gustav. He gave me the details and I had them wrapped around my little finger. They sent it to us within 2 days. And that is the story of Mr Cuddles.’ she said proudly lifting her head up at her achievement.

‘You did that for me?’ he asked pretending to be shy and sweet and considerate.

‘Sure. Happy Birthday!’ she squealed in a higher pitch than I could even interperate.

‘Ok, so now we’re done with presents, who wants breakfast?!’ I said ready to eat my first meal as an 18 year-old.

‘Well… we’re not quite done. Me and Gustav have, a couple more presents for Tom.’

They handed him over petit sized boxes and looked sheepish sharing a giggle between each other. I know, girlish. But with Georg’s new upturn I can hardly say I’m surprised. Tom sucked in his bottom lip just flicking his eyes from Gustav to the open packet. He shook his head.

‘Oh, yeah. Great Gustav. Cuz… I can totally use these without a girlfriend. He said. I thought I noticed him wink at Emily, but it was probably just a trick of the light… he held up whatever was in the box flipped it over a few times then passes it round. Each person let out a small smirk are snigger, when it reached me I knew why. A condom… oh how very Gustav. So that’s what Emily was in the chemist for! She was with Gustav and Rhi! Who thankfully, aren’t fighting so much anymore.

‘Well, what’s the other box?’

‘I dread to think…’ He lifted the lid to the smooth white box turning his head half regretting opening it. His face screwed up as Georg and Gustav both burst out in tears of laughter. ‘I beg you, please tell me these aren’t men’s?’ He said his lip quivering.

‘Surprisingly enough no… but I did think about it.’

On the tips of his fingers Tom raised up silk, feathery, lacy, crimson, blood red thongs. Jesus… thank God they’re not men’s. more laughs were supplied from the girls, though this a lot harder. So hard in fact, they couldn’t stop laughing.

‘As if a girl would even wear those! Like… ever!’ Rhi blurted. Sounding vaguely like a man.

‘I would…’ Emily said trying to keep voice on a minimum.

‘Suuurrrree……’ Emi said sarcastically.

‘I would! I will in fact! I’ll wear them today! Well… tonight.’ she said so proudly this time she stood up holding them up to herself while trying to see what they would look like in the mirror. Just as she did the door swung round. And a very smiley Karlee entered the room.
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o.m.g. this was a pong chapter!
but... if you guys remember waaayy back at the VERY beginning when in started writing this i did state that it was based on a previously written TH story... and this is one of the chapters from that!
obviously a little modified and adjusted to fit this story...
also you may have noticed that Emi didn't give the twins presents... there is a simple explanation... i had no more present ideas!

comments bitte??