Fur Immer Heilig Sein

Gay Strawberries

Karlee’s POV

‘I bought you both presents! Well, ok… I was going to, but Strify cut out all my credit cards and hide my cash… so I figured a nice Happy Birthday would mean just as much!’ I explained my absence of wrapped boxes and decorated packages.

‘Oh right, well. Thanks.’

‘If you’re so nice, why do you hang out with those other guys?’ Gustav asked.

‘They’re nice really, they just hold grudges, badly.’

‘Grudges? We didn’t do anything! They just saw us and decided to hate us!’ Bill exclaimed.

‘Actually, not so true.’

‘What do you mean?’ Tom said defending his twin.

‘Well, you remember when you were at school Georg? And there was that nerdy kid and you could have talked to him, but instead you ignored him, tripped him up, gave him swirlies, and all the other usual bully stuff? Guess who it was…’ I said trying not to sound too harsh, it wasn’t in my nature to be cruel.

‘Strify… no way!’ I just nodded at his reaction.

‘Georg! And you’re gay!’ Emi squealed. We figured that she was a very sarcastic person and tried to make a joke of any situation.

‘It’s our birthday! I’m not getting into anything like that today!’ Bill said gaining a largish grin upon his face. ‘I’m going for breakfast.’

‘Come on lets all go! We haven’t had a family breakfast in ages!’ Emily squealed.

‘Family?’ I question.

‘We’re all family here. Come on, you come too!’ Kate said putting her arm around my shoulders turning me round and walking with me down to the café. We all sat at a long table, the Cinema Bizarre boys came and sat with us as well. While Georg kept glancing at Strify no hurtful and nasty comments were pasting during the morning. The niceties were held and manners kept toward each other, obviously recognising that this was a special day for the twins. I think they were also beginning to see that I was starting to become quite good friends with the girls. Now all I need is a plan to get the guys to be friendly. All of the time…

‘You ok hunny?’ Strify asked me.

‘Yeah I’m fine, do we have any strawberries?’ I’ve been craving them for awhile.

‘Well if you ask I’m sure the hotel do. You just seem a little, quiet.’

‘Oh no, I’m fine. Never better.’ I said. Which was true, the boys weren’t shouting insults at each other. And i think i might have a sneaky plan on how to get them friends. But it’ll have to hold off. Just until next week at least. Get the twins birthday’s out of the way. I felt an arm snake around my waist I looked round to see Strify staring at me with a glint in his eye.

‘You err… want some fun?’ he asked seductively.

‘What, now?’

‘No time like the present.’ he answered a grin forming across his perfect skin.

‘Come on then. If you can catch me.’ I said leaping out of my chairs dodging his grasp. I ran to our hotel suite and landed on the bed.

[Insert another hot and steamy sex scene here]
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i have a question...
do you guys think i should use less weird titles..
or are they ok to be wacky and wild?
just a question because they really are spontaneous-on-the-spot-spontaneous-off-the-top-of-my-head things!


also, this chapter is for Karlee and her poorly tummy! x]]